broken bir[D]

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2E knelt there. She knelt there panting, her body drenched in sweat and tears flowing off her cheeks. Blood and tears dripped onto A2's body from her face.

It was over.

It was finally over.

2E's white sword had gone straight through A2's face and into the floor. Since they shared identical faces, was it arrogant to say she thought A2 was pretty? Either way, A2's beauty was no more, her face now mangled and split open by the blade.

Even with a sword between the eyes, A2 was still not dead.

Not yet.

2E slowly rose to her feet, holding A2 by the throat while leaving her sword in the attacker model's face.

2E knew something had happened. Even if berserker mode hindered A2's movements, all A2 needed was to put her hand on her chest and materialize a sword and 2E would be impaled by it. There was no escape for A2 but the attacker model could've taken 2E with her. But at the last moment it was like A2 had come to some sort of realization.

Even now, 2E could see it. The look on A2's face. Like A2 realized something and had resigned herself to this fate.

So A2 didn't want to kill her anymore? A2 chose to die?

But for 2E, that didn't really matter. Who cared why A2 froze and let a sword be plunged into her head? It wouldn't be as pleasurable but 2E was going to savor this.

With a snarl, 2E plunged her hand into A2's chest, grabbing her black box and ripping it out.

Rip was right. 2E could feel all the tethers holding it in place tearing as she force it out of A2's body. 2E held the black box in front of A2's face, making sure the attacker model could see it before she died.

But 2E wasn't going to let A2 just bleed to death. Even disconnected from the body, the black box could control it. It housed A2's consciousness data.

So 2E squeezed.

She could feel the black box resist her strength for just a brief second before it finally was crushed in her grip.

A2 let out one final gasp as 2E watched life leave her body. And she let go. She let go of the black box. She let go of A2, letting the attacker model fall to the floor.

"Death is too good for you. May you suffer in the afterlife."

2E seethed these words out through gritted teeth, her eyes wide and still filled with tears. The final moments of 9S still played in her head. It took her months but she finally got it. She finally got justice for 9S. felt hollow...

2E screamed, pulling the sword out and plunging back in.

Why? Why? WHY? WHY? WHY?!

Killing A2 was supposed to make everything better. Justice. For once in the world there would be justice. For once in her life something will have gone right.


2E seethed, pulling out the sword then tossing it across the floor. She roared in anger, screamed, cried.

She killed A2. Everyone who killed 9S must pay. And now, finally, finally for once, the person who killed 9S has finally paid. For once in this miserable cruel universe, there was justice. Yet, why does this feel hollow?

2E watched as 153 floated next to A2. Was it...mourning?

"Is Unit 2B satisfied with this outcome?" 153 asked.

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