Edge of the Styx

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These words greeted 2E as she returned to her chambers. A nice domed room located at the very bottom of the tower. It was as plain as plain can be. It reminded her of the destroyed alien ship she and 9S had seen. The center held only a single bed for her to rest. And that was it. She needed nothing else. Her tools to help her fulfill her purpose were always on her.

She concentrated for a moment and dematerialized some of the excess clothing she had. The shoulder cape on her left arm. The waist cape around her hips. She breathed out a heavy sigh, stretching her limbs.

She stretched out her left arm, 6O's arm. It was amazing she's kept it undamaged for so long.

There were also her gloves. 9S's gifts to her. And her headband. She had worked hard to keep them all intact. She couldn't stop her gloves from getting dirty but at least they never ripped.

"It seems your travels did not go as planned," the Red Girl observed.

"As ever, your powers of observation continue to astound me," 2E remarked sardonically. "Just remember to leave 2E to me. She is mine to deal with."

2E. Still going by a lie. Still going by 2B. What went wrong? She watched from a distant. Everything that happened to them was the same. Why does this younger-2E continue lying to herself? Imprisoning herself in the same cycle of lies.

It frustrated her to no end. She was a prisoner of her own mind for the longest time, freed because she finally embraced the truth. It was a cruel truth. An evil truth. But the truth. But it seemed the younger-2E rather continue lying to herself.

"Need I remind you that the time has come for a new cycle?" the Red Girl asked.

"You spent so long boasting how time is without meaning, and now you can't wait a few months?" 2E sneered.

"Why are you so interested in 2B anyways?"

"Is that not obvious? She's me. What is a person but a combination of their memories, experiences, and personality? Ours are identical. Hers may be less experienced than mine but how much of a difference before one is considered a different person? If she is still holding onto her old beliefs, then part of her still desires death."

They were the same person. Which meant 2E need only think back to herself way back when. How she felt back then. Back then? She wanted to die. Simple as that. At the beginning of her life she was a mindless tool. A weapon. She learned emotion thanks to 9S. She learned love thanks to 9S. Then she spent her entire life murdering the one she loved. She was afraid of death but wanted to escape the pain of life.

If the younger-2E was still lying to herself then she would still feel the same way. It was only 2E's acceptance of the truth that freed her. So much time feeling guilty. So much time wasted hating herself. When she no more evil than everyone else in this forsaken universe.

"And your request still stands?" N2 asked.

"Of course. 2E is to be left alone. The rest of them will die all the same. Today. Tomorrow. If you really are infinite, then why does it matter when it happens? If you're really that impatient, begin your reconstruction."

"And what will you do in the meantime?"

There was no joy to her life. But no pain either. A life whose purpose was evil better than a life with no purpose at all. Her purpose was ingrained. She didn't need to fear it vanishing. She didn't need to worry about her life being without meaning.

"I will fulfill my purpose in life," 2E said turning around and heading to the door. Coming back was a bad idea anyways. The voices of her victims, especially 9S, were not as loud. But she could still hear them when it's quiet. They didn't deserve to haunt her. She was beyond salvation. Beyond redemption. And she didn't need either. Her sins may have been beyond counting but they were no better.

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