The Last Execution

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"I-i-I am O-OpERator 6O. ThAnk yoU...f-For thE fl-oW-ers. D-dESert FLow-ers ARe b-B-B-BeaU-ti-tI-Ti-FuL aRen'T tHEy?"

2B had always wondered about god, some higher intelligence that guided the direction of the universe. The being that's trapped them in their never ending cycle of life and death. And 2B decided God was a cruel sociopath.

She stared at 6O, the one stable part of her life, the one person who was always there for her. 2B watched as 6O launched herself once again. 2B had been trying to avoid her friend, simply dodge and avoid all the attacks. This damned logic virus.

How did the machines manage to infect every YorHa android? 9S has speculated the sever was infected. But how did the machines get access to the heart of YorHa?

Their movements would suggest every YorHa android acted with singular purpose, a sound state of mind. But their words and expressions were twisted. They were conscious but in pain, no sanity left and no control over their body.

To see 6O's face, one normally full of light, life, and smiles, be reduced to an expression of absolute pain, her glowing red eyes rolled to the back of her head as she tried to form a cohesive thought, tears streaming down her face with an expression that begged 2B to kill her to end her misery...damn god and his cruelty. 6O was supposed to be the one person in her life she would never have to kill. 9S, the other combat models, she knew she might have to kill them. But 6O? An operator that worked on the station? She was supposed to be exempt from this.

2B screamed in agony as she brought in 6O for one final embrace. One last hug like they would share after every time 2B carried out an execution. One last hug like they would every time 6O comforted her over 9S's death. One last hug like on the elevator when 2B finally opened up. One last hug as 2B plunged her sword through 6O's chest.

Destruction of the chest...

2B pulled away, drawing out her sword as 6O simply fell to her knees.

Destruction of the head...

2B cleaved her sword through her friend's neck.

Damn god and his cruelty. They were about to put an end to this war. The peaceful machines no longer needed to fear being caught in the violence. Pascal and his village no longer needed to fear being destroyed. The machines in the amusement park could celebrate to their coress content. The humans could return to Earth. And she could finally stop killing her fellow androids.

She could stop killing the ones she loved.

She could stop killing 9S.

Instead, somehow the entire Bunker's network was infected by a machine logic virus which now infected every android except for her and 9S. Instead of being free from her suffering, she was now forced to kill her comrades by the dozens. First on the planet. Now up here.

It was the nightmare she's been having for the past several years all condensed into several minutes.

Then there was 6O. Her best friend as a headless corpse on the ground. 2B could only stare, hoping that this entire scenario was a simulation and that she'll wake up.

It took all her concentration and self-control for her to not drop her sword and plug her ears as the twisted voices of her friends played.

"C'mon, 2B!" 9S called, practically grabbing her hand and dragging her down the hall. 9S models were high end scanner models so he could hack the oncoming androids. And 2B, or rather 2E, was a state-of-the-art combat model that specialized in destroying other androids so she could fight them. But they were still outnumbered. Superior skill had its limits.

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