Chapter 8: Meanwhile on the date

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With Dom/Luca and Ellie, sitting at the table

''So, I know your last name is Luca and I've been meaning to ask you. What is your actual name?'' asked Ellie with a curious look on her face, while also doing a small head tilt. 

'She is looks so cute doing that head tilt' thought Luca.

''Oh, Dominique, its Dominique Luca'' replied back Luca whilst looking at her and then back at the menus that were given to them by the waiter.

''Can I call you Dom then?'' she asked with small smile, making sure he is comfortable with it.

''You can call me anything you are comfortable with'' he said back with a smile.

''Well then Dom it is. I like it.'' she says with a cheeky grin on her face. They both share a small laugh.

''So, do you want to play questions?'' she asks with a slight wiggle of the eyebrows and a smile on her lips. He laughs at her expression and answers back with a ''Yeah sure''. 

Before they could start the waiter comes back and ask for their orders and they give their order of drinks and what they want for food to the waiter, whilst also giving back the menus the waiter gave them.

''So, do you have any siblings?'' Dom asks.

''No, I am an only child'' she responded back to him with a smile on her face. She was excited for this date and that she is going to get to know him. ''Do you have any siblings?'' she asked back, her hand going to hold his hand softly. 

''I have actually

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''I have actually. I have a brother, his name is Terry and I have a half-sister named Eva.'' Dom said back. It was only the beginning of the date and he was already loving it. 

*After the food arrives, they had already gotten to know the basic stuff about them*

''So, what was it like growing up with your family?'' she asked as they were eating. 

''What do you mean?'' he asked back, curious on how that question could open up and/or if he should be insulted on the question.

''I didn't mean to offend you or anything, but I was just curious on how you grew up in a S.W.A.T. family like you had. Like if it was a line that you wanted to go into or that you got into it because of your family? I didn't mean to make it sound so bad or way too intrusive'' she asked and said, worried that she could've offended him way too much and that he would say that's it to the date. 

''No, no, it's ok don't worry. I get it. Nah, I had always wanted to become a S.W.A.T. officer. Now have you always wanted to be a teacher or did you want to go into a different career path?'' He responded and asked, now he is curious on her career path. 

''Same with you actually, I had always wanted to become a teacher. I love being able to teach and help kids even if they are really young. I love kids way too much and my mother was an L.S.E., which means she helped kids that needed the extra help and I learned everything from her.'' she replied back to him, she was happy that he was interested in her job (even if she asked first). 

Ellie had a nostalgic smile, remembering the memories she had with her mother from a young age, both 'working' together and she, helping her mother with the kids even at that age. 

''Hey, is everything alright there? You kind off spaced out for a moment'' asked Dom, he saw how she spaced out when coming to the discussion about her career path history. 

''No, everything is fine. I just miss my mom that's all'' she replied back with a sad smile. She shook her head, wanting to snap out of it. ''Sorry, didn't mean to. Let's just change the subject''

''Wait, what happened. If you want to talk about it, it's ok. I wouldn't mind.'' Dom told her, he wanted her to open up to him but he didn't want to take it too fast.

''My parents don't live in this country. I am European. I came here for the opportunities/studying. So, I don't get to see them much and I miss them a lot. Sorry, this wasn't supposed to turn sad.'' 

''Hey, it's ok. I don't mind it.  As long as I am getting to know you, I am perfectly fine with it. But, Wow, I wouldn't of guessed that you would be European'' he responded back with sweet smile on his face. He was surprised though about where she came from. He thought she was from here originally. 

''Yeah, well I am full of surprises'' she says back playfully.  

''Yeah, I can see that, clearly'' he responds back. Both of them chuckling together. 

They continue to talk and share laughs together. For both of them, this was the best date they could've had. After they pay and head back to the car, for Dom to go back to work. In the car, they sit in comfortable silence with a little more small talk.

They arrive at S.W.A.T. head quarters, Luca gets out and Ellie follows him out. As they got in front of each other, they were planning another date and as they were finishing up, Luca was called for a S.W.A.T. mission. 

''Look, I'll text you as soon as I can. But I have to go'' Luca said, he doesn't want to leave her but he ha to for her job. 

''Yeah, I get it. Stay safe and be careful.'' she replies back, she didn't want it to end either but she understood. She was worried for him though, she didn't want him to get hurt. 

'' Bye'' ''Bye''

Luca was walking towards headquarters when he heard a ''Wait'', he turned around just in time because Ellie through her arms around his neck and kissed him. 

He kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her waist. After a moment the pull away from each other. They smiled at each other and then let go of each other. 

''Now that was the 'Bye' I wanted to give you'' Ellie told him, she had a big smile on her face.

''I loved that 'Bye' we should do that more often'' Luca told her back. He wanted to flirt a little with her and to get her flustered. It worked.

''Oh we will'' she responded back with a playful wink. 

After that, they both split off with big smiles on there faces, either for home or for work and their day went on with some texts in between. 

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