Chapter 2: Annie tells Deacon/David

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At home with David/Deacon

''Hey baby'' says David as he comes into their room, with Annie's favourite flowers, and sits next to her on the bed and gave her a kiss and gave her the flowers.

''Hi'', Annie says with a big smile on her face, ''thank you for the flowers, I love them.'' She takes the flowers and smells them and then looks at David with that big smile on her face making him curious as to what got her so smiley. 

''Is it me and the flowers that got you so smiley or did something good happen'' asks David with a curious look on his face and a hint of a smile on his face, seeing his wife so happy made his heart flutter with love and happiness at his wife's smile. 

''She said she can help and be here with the kids'' said Annie with that smile, and David replied with a teasing tone, ''You found someone else, with that smile on your face?'' Annie playfully hits his chest and chuckles a bit. ''So she agreed, good, but what about...'' 

Annie cuts him off and tells him, ''She said she'll gladly do it with no payment and voluntarily just to help, even said she'd help with this one (she says as she points to her belly) and we talked more with each other and I love her, even the kids seem to love her. She just told me she wouldn't be able to help within school hours, obviously, but other then that everything would be okay for her.'' 

''So, everything's okay?'' David asks. ''Yeah, everything is okay, and hey, I know you are gonna worry about money, but about this you don't need to worry. And I know you can handle things but leave this to me okay? We're in this together'', she says with smile that helped David relax.

As they sit together in the quiet, Annie speaks out, ''If things go perfect with her, maybe we can set her up with someone from your team. She's beautiful and has a pair of blue eyes like the ocean. Even as we talked, she seemed so nice and calm but something in her eyes said that you shouldn't mess with her, not in a way that could hurt someone just cause, but that she would protect the people she's in care/ or cares for. You know?''

''Yeah, I know'', he says, looking at her with love in his eyes, ''Maybe we can find Luca or Hondo someone to settle down with'' he says it with a small chuckle.

''I see her with Luca,'' Annie says. ''Really? Why?'' he asks. ''I don't know, its just a hunch.'' ''We'll see how it goes.'' They sit in silence with thoughts on how everything will turn out. 

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