Chapter 5

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Kyungsoo watched Baekhyun walk to the kitchen , acting so weird and very much scary.
Baekhyun walked to the coffee machine , put his hands on it , closed his eyes and took in a deep breath...
" ah, Kyungsoo, what a day. I thought something bad would happen", Baekhyun spoke so calm and gentle that,you can feel the spookiness from afar..
Kyungsoo had his eye wide open , in shock and still creeped out. He wanted to shout the words," something bad did happen you weirdo!", but he pulled himself away. Shaking his head in utter disbelief, he walked to Baekhyun and hugged him , surprising the latter...

"Baek please, if there's anything just tell me. The way you are now,it's a little bit creepy almost like you're possessed. Should we go back to our town? ", Kyungsoo patted Baekhyun's back while saying his heart felt words. He was so concerned for Baekhyun's mental health but, " I have to sleep", Baekhyun whined cutely , almost as if he didn't hear any of Kyungsoo's words..

Feeling a bit disappointed, he let him go and wished him a good night. Baekhyun walked straight to bed without looking back at Kyungsoo...
Kyungsoo felt so helpless and annoyed, he wanted to know what exactly caused Baekhyun's weird behavior.

After seeing how calm and beautiful Baekhyun was in his sleep, Kyungsoo walked to the opened window to admire the full moon....
He walked outside instead , he didn't want to wake his friend up...
Kyungsoo stood outside in the cold humming night wind and looked up to the sky...
There were many indescribable feelings , many thoughts full of fear....
For the first time in his life, he was actually very scared of losing someone, his childhood best friend, Baekhyun...

After staring at the moon for some time and forcing a lone tear to fall from his eye, Kyungsoo felt so dejected and out of place....
How come he isn't able to help his friend? , "please, come back", he whispered sadly to himself...

Baekhyun is a very normal person , he doesn't even believe in ghosts and all these paranoid claims but somehow, he is now acting like possessed person...
He wouldn't talk about it, he talks to himself and smiles at random things...
He asks an invincible person to take care of themselves, he cries today and be all happy party tomorrow, he walks around with his hand placed on his chest and then finally he said, " I'll meet you one day my Chanyeol" in his sleep while blushing...
Kyungsoo was appalled and curious.. " so, his weird behavior is because of a Chanyeol? So that must mean that,the person Baek has been having nightmares about is Chanyeol? But who is that? Is this person really real, what is this person's mission to destroy Baekhyun both in his deeams as in reality too!", Kyungsoo walked to the closed window and gently opened it again, " whoever you are, I'll find you!", he said...

He looked back at Baek with a worried face, " talk to me Baek, I'm really worried. What happened all of a sudden?", he asked but to the cool wind...
Sighing, he walked back to bed, his eyes not closing and with so much on his mind too, he continued to sigh and sigh and sigh without giving in to sleep...

Kyungsoo drifted to sleep, carrying his worries along and hoping they all vanish in his dreamland....

 Secrets Unveiled;

The next morning, Kyungsoo woke up with a heavy heart, still burdened by the events of the previous day. He glanced over at Baekhyun, who was still peacefully asleep. Determined to get to the bottom of what was happening, Kyungsoo decided to do some research on his own. He spent hours scouring the internet, searching for any clue about a person named Chanyeol who could be connected to Baekhyun's strange behavior.

As he delved deeper into the search, Kyungsoo stumbled upon an old legend about a forbidden love that involved two souls destined to be together but torn apart by a tragic twist of fate. The legend spoke of a love so intense that it transcended time and space, but it also foretold that the union of these two souls would bring about chaos and destruction.

The legend spoke of a Chanyeol and a Baekhyun, two lovers from different worlds, whose love was forbidden by the gods. The mere mention of their names together was said to invoke powerful emotions that could influence the fate of those around them. As Kyungsoo read on, he realized that the legend closely mirrored Baekhyun's recent behavior—talking to himself, mentioning Chanyeol in his sleep, and the sudden changes in mood.

Deeply intrigued and concerned, Kyungsoo continued his search and found an old journal entry from a person who claimed to have encountered a soulmate from a parallel universe. The entry described the pain of being apart from their true love and how their worlds seemed to collide in dreams and visions.

Kyungsoo couldn't believe what he was reading. It sounded like something straight out of a fantastical novel, but he couldn't ignore the eerie similarities between the legend and Baekhyun's experiences. His mind was racing, trying to process everything he had discovered.

Later that day, Kyungsoo decided to confront Baekhyun about what he had found. He gently woke his friend up and urged him to sit down and talk. Baekhyun looked at Kyungsoo with a mix of confusion and exhaustion, but Kyungsoo could see a glimmer of fear in his eyes.

"Baekhyun, I've been trying to understand what's happening to you," Kyungsoo began, "and I came across a legend about two souls, Chanyeol and Baekhyun, destined to be together but kept apart by some higher power. Do you think this Chanyeol from your dreams is real?"

Baekhyun hesitated for a moment before finally nodding. "I don't know how to explain it, Kyungsoo. It's like I can feel him even when I'm awake. The dreams are so vivid, and his presence lingers. But it's all so confusing. I don't know what's real anymore."

Kyungsoo reached out and held Baekhyun's hand reassuringly. "We'll figure this out together, Baek. I won't let you face this alone. We'll find a way to understand what's happening and how to help you."

As the days went by, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun delved deeper into the mystery of Chanyeol and their inexplicable connection. They sought help from spiritual experts, paranormal investigators, and even ancient texts in an attempt to unravel the truth.

Their journey led them to unexpected places, both physically and emotionally. Along the way, Kyungsoo discovered his own feelings for Baekhyun were evolving into something more profound than friendship. The intensity of their shared experience brought them even closer together, strengthening their bond in ways they never imagined.

Through their relentless pursuit of the truth, they discovered that love could defy the boundaries of time and space. It was a force that could endure even the most impossible odds. As Kyungsoo and Baekhyun delved deeper into the legend, they realized that their connection was part of a much bigger cosmic design—one that held the power to change their lives forever.

Little did they know that their journey was being closely watched by unseen forces, both benevolent and malevolent, as the flames of their souls and the flames of love continued to burn brightly, guiding them towards a destiny that would test the very fabric of their reality.

[Note: The story takes a supernatural turn, incorporating elements of destiny, parallel universes, and cosmic forces. The legend of Chanyeol and Baekhyun serves as a central plotline, with the characters exploring the depths of their emotions and the mysteries of the universe. The story would continue to develop, revealing more about the characters' pasts, their connection, and the forces that seek to keep them apart.]

FLAMES OF THE SOUL/FLAMES OF LOVE 🔥[CHANBAEK]Rated 🔞Where stories live. Discover now