Chapter 4

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Chanyeol walked with wobbly knees across the burning streets of CityLightsOfTomorrow to meet with his already shocked friends .
Sehun and Jongin helped Chanyeol walk slowly from the sight of the tragic accident , all in very much traumatic pain.
They walked far enough away from the scene and spotted a cool quiet place under a well-known tree secluded from the city.
Slowly panting, they each sat on one of the tree's large vines....

"What was that?", Sehun asked with a shaky voice...
" Chanyeol,are you alright? You barely survived,it was like you knew this was gonna happen.... How,did you -", Jongin was cut off before he could finish his question...

'dodge the massive hit? .... I ,I don't know, someone told me... A voice , screamed in my ear... It was so loud and.... and quick and I guess my body just reacted to it...", Chanyeol bowed his tired head and spoke slowly....

"Who? Did you see that person? If you saw them, we can go and thank them for saving you", Jongin asked while rubbing Chanyeol's hand trying to calm him down....

"I don't know who but I am very thankful to them", Chanyeol still hanged his head from disbelief....
" maybe, it was your guardian angel, you know, those beings who help you in times of need... Maybe they saw how much we need you in our lives to keep providing us with food and-", Jongin smacked Sehun before he could finish his nonsense...

"It's okay Chanyeol, you don't have to worry,we're here for you... Don't worry too much, the most important thing is that you survived. And as for that voice, whoever they are, I'm sure we'll find them one day", Jongin pulled in both Chanyeol and Sehun for a deep mutual hug....
The three felt emotional assurance from each other....
From what had happened, they needed one another more than anything...

Chanyeol felt as if the past was coming back to him again and he was so convinced that the person who helped him that afternoon was Baekhyun... But where was he? What is he up to? Is he alright? What was happening to him? His only wish was meet him one day and thank him for saving his life....
His only problem was if Baekhyun was real or not....  He was now more than ever very ready to find him.... Real or not.... To say," thank you"

Jongin stood up the whole night thinking about what had happened....
Maybe Chanyeol wasn't crazy after all because there is no way he saw that coming and dodged in time....
He was very grateful for Chanyeol for surviving and he was happy but it just didn't make any sense at all...
Everyone on that lane had died except for Chanyeol.

Not to misunderstand, he was totally relieved and happy but all the normal people died and if Chanyeol heard a voice, a voice of a guy, then the dots are finally connecting....

It means that, both Baekhyun and that Kyungsoo guy are real.... Which concludes that, Chanyeol was never insane about the past life thingy....
But, how come they're connected? Was it because they're closer to each other?
The psychic did say there would be weird things happening when the two flaming souls pull closer to each other....

So that could only mean that Baekhyun is closer to them and so is Kyungsoo...
Jongin stood up and walked to the open window, looking up to the skies...
He turned his head to look at sleeping Sehun and shook his head...
He turned his head to look at the full moon again....

Kyungsoo starred blankly at the cold dark sky honored with the full moon ....
Jongin and Kyungsoo ,both at different locations , both starring at the cold full moon, said in unison....
"I'll find you, whoever you are!".....

Desires and Mysteries Unfold;

Chanyeol, Sehun, and Jongin spent the rest of the evening beneath the well-known tree, trying to process the shocking events that had just occurred. The intensity of the accident and Chanyeol's inexplicable survival left them all in a state of bewilderment and wonder. As they sat there, Chanyeol couldn't shake the feeling that the voice he heard, guiding him to dodge the fatal hit, belonged to Baekhyun. He felt an inexplicable connection to this mysterious person, and his heart yearned to meet him, whether he was real or not.

Jongin, on the other hand, couldn't ignore the strange connections unfolding before him. He had initially been skeptical of Chanyeol's claims about his past life, but now he couldn't deny that something otherworldly was happening. The fact that both Chanyeol and Kyungsoo heard the same voice and that Chanyeol was the only survivor in a fatal accident was too coincidental to ignore.

Deep in thought, Jongin wondered if this phenomenon was somehow related to the psychic's prediction. The psychic had mentioned that strange occurrences would happen when the two "flaming souls" drew closer to each other. It seemed that Baekhyun was indeed getting closer to Chanyeol, and Kyungsoo was somehow connected to this as well.

Meanwhile, in a different location, Kyungsoo gazed blankly at the cold, dark sky, the full moon shining down on him. Unbeknownst to Jongin, Kyungsoo also felt a strange pull, as if something or someone was drawing him toward an unknown destination. He couldn't explain it, but it was as if an invisible force was guiding him toward Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

Back at their hiding place under the tree, Jongin finally broke the silence. "Chanyeol, there's something we need to do," he said resolutely. "We have to find Baekhyun. Whether he's real or not, whether he's connected to Kyungsoo or not, we need to find him and figure out what's going on."

Chanyeol nodded in agreement, his determination growing stronger. "You're right. I can't just sit here and do nothing. If there's a chance that Baekhyun exists and he saved my life, I need to thank him and understand why this is happening."

Sehun, who had been quietly listening, chimed in, "I'm with you guys. Let's find Baekhyun and get to the bottom of this. But how do we start? We don't even know where to begin looking."

Jongin looked at his friends with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "I've been thinking about that too. We need more information. Chanyeol, do you remember anything else about the voice you heard? Any details that could help us identify the source?"

Chanyeol closed his eyes, trying to recall the moment. "It was loud and urgent, like someone desperately trying to get my attention. But beyond that, I couldn't discern anything else. The voice was unfamiliar to me."

Sehun suggested, "Maybe we should visit the psychic again. She might have more insight into this situation."

Jongin nodded in agreement. "That's a good idea. She seemed to know more than she let on. Perhaps she can shed some light on the connection between all of this."

The three friends decided to seek out the psychic the next day to seek her guidance once more. Little did they know that their actions were setting in motion a series of events that would lead them to the heart of a deep and ancient mystery—one that would test their bonds of friendship and challenge their beliefs about the nature of the soul and the power of love.

As Chanyeol, Sehun, and Jongin embarked on this new journey to find Baekhyun and uncover the truth behind their inexplicable connection, they could never have imagined the incredible twists and turns that awaited them. Each step they took would draw them closer to the flames of the soul and the flames of love, revealing secrets that had long been buried in the annals of time. Their destinies were intricately woven together, and the flames that danced between them would light the path to a revelation that would change their lives forever.

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