Naomi had the kind of aura that made you want to have her around 24/7 but all in the same breath made you want to pull your hair out. She was an oxymoron on legs.

Subconsciously, a smirk forms on Hoseok's lips as an idea crosses his mind. Resting the toy car on his naked chest which had only been covered by a thin silver chain moments before - he reaches over on his messy nightstand to grab hold of his cell phone.

Flipping the screen of the device, the dull light illuminates his face as he goes to Naomi's contact information. Without a hint of hesitance, he pressed down on her number and brings the phone up to his ear. He stared up at the ceiling impatiently, listening in silence as the phone lets out a shrill ring.

After the third ring, he was about to lose hope. He remembered that she told him she was here on vacation, perhaps she was getting her nails done. Or maybe doing some shopping. Those were the only things he could see her doing at this time of day.

Just as Hoseok prepares for the line to cut, Naomi answers the call, and a wave of relief washes over him.

"Hello?" Her voice is soft and warm. It sounds rushed, a heavy breath pushes out afterward. Almost sounding as if she were in the middle of something labor-intensive.

"Hey," Hoseok spoke coolly, "you busy?" Please say no.

"Ermm...I was just doing my hair but I'm good now. What's up?"

Hoseok slid the wheels of the toy car against his chest. Making the fake vehicle drift across his honey-toned skin lightly dappled in a thin layer of sweat. He really needed to contact maintenance and get his damn ac fixed.

"Nothing much. I was just bored and uh..." Fuck. Hoseok was never been at a loss for words like this. If he had a plan in mind then he was able to state it without any trouble. He knew what he wanted to do with Naomi but got some reason he couldn't bring himself to ask. It was almost as if he was nervous.

No- not possible. Hoseok didn't get nervous hitting up girls to hang out. It was just a small blank in his mind, an accidental hitch in his voice.

"I was wondering if you would be down to hang out?"

On the other end of the phone, Naomi mouthed curses and rolled her eyes. He was so damn clingy. It made her job easier but fuck, this wasn't the same Hoseok she remembered. He used to be so cool and independent. Which is why her adolescent self crushed on him so hard. Now with all the dirt she had on him, it was so easy to find him so goddamn annoying.

It was sickening. Naomi was tired of smiling in his face, tired of flirting with him, tired of having to hang out with the guy that killed her brother. The guy that took her entire lifeline away from her without a hint of remorse for what he had done. But if Namjoon were in the room with her, he would be the devil on her shoulder with his large hands curling over her shoulder as he whispers into her ear to do it. Pushing her up to feed Hoseok false friendship.


And she fucking hated when he called her that. That was Yoongi's nickname. Not his.

"I'm down. What time should I be ready?" Naomi asked, plopping down on the bed in her hotel room with one leg crossed over the other. Her fingers curl into her sheets in anger.

"Now," Hoseok said. "Don't worry, I'll wait for you if you have to get all pretty for me." He teased. Naomi rolled her eyes and forced out a laugh. "Bold of you to assume I get pretty for you." She murmured softly. She gets pretty for herself and no one else.. "I'll be ready when you make it." She said. And left it at that before hanging up the phone.

Hoseok stared at the phone afterward. There were so many places they could go but he wanted to take her back to the cove. Hoseok found the cove to be quite peaceful. The water that extended out for kilometers and kilometers ahead of him was enough to wash away the thoughts that seemed to weigh down his mental. He hoped Naomi wouldn't mind coming along with him. He didn't even feel like talking much. He just needed a friend.

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