School exams

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Izuku does his entrance exam, people see him again.


It is now the week before Kouh's academy exam, but today is the day for UA entrance exam. Izuku Yagi or otherwise known as Izuku Lucifer walked towards the entrance of UA. The greenette is nearly 6ft tall and has controll of 75% of OFA. He was learning from his adoptive brother about magic and spared with him most of the time and he was actually adopted by him which was pretty cool. Now Vali could have a stable home too if he needs one. Izuku also spent his time with Yasaka and the little girl Kunou, he won't lie but he took a liking to the nine tailed fox and wont say it out loud but he sees her as his own daughter.

Anyways, he was looking forward and spots two people he didn't want to see. Two blondes, one of them has ash blonde hair whilst the other had golden blonde. Luckily both didn't see Izuku, but he looked at them with a little more analytically. His so called sister was 5'4" but in his opinion skinny as hell. (I don't want to be mean, but as you'll know hero's should have muscle as it also improves their ability to fight or use their quirk better.) Bakugo Katsuki, was 5'9" with some visible muscle especially his upper body. But both of them had cocky grins, oh well. It seemed that they haven't changed.

Sighing internally, he went in to the exam room which he completed the given exam pretty quickly. Being the first one to leave, with a light smirk appearing on his face. Entering the audatorium, he waited for another 45 minutes for the other examinese to come in. He saw that he was sitting next to a boy with blue hair and he seemed to have a stick stuck in his ass. Oh well, the presentation wont happen for the next 10 minutes so Izuku decided to start a conversation. "Hey, I'm Izuku. What about you glasses-kun?"

The boy who Izuku spoke to straightened even further and replied with a small smile "I am Tenya Iida. You are the one who finished the written exam first. Are you taking it seriously?" He finished with a somewhat accusatory tone at the end.

Chuckling a little, the greenette replied "Nope, it was easy and after checking it I gave it to Ectoplasm."

They continued to chat, until Present Mic started to talk. "HELLOOOO LITTLE LISTENERS, WELCOME TO UA. CAN I GET A YEAAHHH!!!"

Izuku wanting to have some fun, put a minor spell on Tenya and in sink they both shouted "YEAAAAHHHH!!!!" Tenya looked buffled for the whole time after that.

"THANK YOU LITTLE LISTENERS..." He continued to speek but in his mind he was happy that someone actually replied. Tenya didn't ask the question about the fourth robot as he was still buffled. "SO GO PLUS ULTRA."

--- At the testing site ---

Izuku is in site E, he doesn't recognise anyone here so he looked onto the gate. When the gate opened a little bit then he used 60% of OFA and rushed in. People started to shout about cheating but he ignored them. Present mic abnoshishes them and they all started to run in. However there was a problem in site E. 

When Izuku started to run in, he increased the % to 75% shooting air flicks destroying robots. Slinging from pole to pole with some float in it too he defeates robots left and right. After 13 minutes he feels rumbing and sees a 0 pointer. Smirking, he pushes of the ground with 75% and then makes the black whip and fa jin join together to make a 120% smash. Smirking he punched it causing the head to fly away into testing site D crashing into the other 0 pointer and saving a bubbly gravity girl. The rest of the body just fell back crashing in some of the other robots giving him more points. Then Present Mic called the match. With Izuku leaving without being noticed.

--- With the teachers ---

When they sat there watching the students, they expected to have a nice showing especially with the daughter of All Might, her bestfriend, the Ingenium brother and some other hero siblings. However they saw a green haired kid, run in straight when the gate was open and the other participants even in the other arena waited. The sight that greeted them imediatly was a shit tone of destroyed robots and the number kept growing. Even All Might and Green Telech where stunned. One of the teachers asked about the kid. Nezu grinned "Izuku Lucifer, younger adoptive brother of Vali Lucifer the head of the Lucifer family. His quirk is energy manipulation, he can increase his strength, speed and reaction time. He can make a black construct that can protect him or use similar to Aizawa's capture gear. He can use it to fly and can circulate it around his body for faster regeneration. Recently he discovered an ability to hold more energy by moving around more giving him more power to an attack. Additionally there is a random part of the quirk that apparently doesn't know where it came from but he can produce mist. There isn't much other said and I believe he has some tricks up his sleeve." 

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