The results

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Hellooooo, I hope you enjoyed the first part now after Ddraig met Izuku lets go to poor pervert... (also Im making Izuku the same age as koneko dont ask me how it works but UA first year will be the same as Izukus first year if you get me. Also saying I am making Issei worse than he was, sorry for all Issei fans)

Issei "ARGHHHHHHHHHH" this sound alone woke up the girls.

Rias "What happened Issei?"


Akeno "What do you mean, where is Ddraig?"

Issei "I don't fucking have him, I dont have my sacred gear"

Girls 'Fuck'

Rias "Calm down Issei, lets put on some clothes and go to my brother, he should know something"

Timeskip to the demon king

Sirzechs "So you are telling me that Ddraig escaped you?"

Issei "Yes, can you help??" yelled/asked.

"I will, we also have a bigger problem then"

Rias "What is it brother?"

Sirzechs "You remember Kokabiel? He somehow escaped from Azazel and now he is gathering fallen angels to restart the war."

Everyone "WHAT!!!"

"So we need to find him before it is too late and get him back, the problem is Ddraig can be anywhere from the humans, angels, devils and fallen angels. Finding his energy will be hard as they may have closed it off"

Azazel which just appeared out of nowhere "So we need to get Ddraig back or the user to be on our side"

Issei "Where did you come from Azazel?!?! and give him back to me obviously, I still need the power to make chicks naked"

Issei's harem 'And that is one thing that annoys us about you'

"Teleportation circle, but anyways I have sent some of my men to look for him" 'This may be a problem, yes we do have powerful fallen angels, devils and angels but not in the numbers which will be benefitial, but kokabiel's army will be trained and numbered, don't say we have to rely on Vali'

But now with the family of Izuku's but the time goes forth gradually if you get me...

The day Izuku left nothing happened but when school time came he wasn't there, the teacher asked Izumi where he was and she said "I don't know" but in reality 'Where the hell are you, dont say you actually took my advice.'

When Izumi came home she forgot about Izuku and so did thier parents, they carried on with their lifes, Izumi sometimes misses her brother as yes he helps her but she beats him up. Toshinori or All Might realises that his time is going down at a faster rate than usual too.

When it was Izumi's and Izuku's 11 birthday, guests arrived and lets continue (it is 2 months after Izuku left)...

Everyone excpet the yagi family and katsuki says Izumi only "Happy birthday Izumi and Izuku"

Gran torino "Toshi, Inko, where is Izuku?"

Inko "Who?"

Gran torino "Izuku your son"

Inko "Oh, ehhh, he is studying so he can't be here"

Tsukauchi "That is a lie, let me ask, where is Izuku?"

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