Izuku's info

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This is a quickish chapter about Izuku's, his information and his powers. It will show what he will have later on but don't worry if you watched high school dxd you will know it wont be anything special and by now you know OFA quirks. Just saying this will change as I do not want to spoil everything in the story. HAHAHA!!

Izuku Yagi but currently prefers to be called Izuku, currently 17. UA stars when you are 17/18.


He is 5'11" (around 180cm so a tall boi) with a lean but muscly body with no baby fat on his face. He is a little tanned as you will see from the picture of his face and that will be the colour of his body due to him being outside most of the time. He still has his famous freckles and has curly green hair which didn't change with some piercing in his ears but no tatoos. How he looks...

 How he looks

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He may have bad boy looks but in reality he is a happy, optimistic dude but he is dense as fuck (no offence but you saw him with Yasaka but you will see him being dense later on but will gradually get his densness out of him). He enjoys fighting but isn't a adrenaline junkie like Mirko. But he will be cold to his old family/bullies.


1) One for All - superstrength, superspeed. A really OP body/quirk enhancer which is 20% stronger than All Mights so Izuku's 100% is All Mights 120%. And he does have his shoot style.

2) Black wip - a black indestructable substance and due to it being powered by OFA Izuku can cover himself with black wip to be able to use a higher percentage or for defense. Izuku trained it to be make different objects like a sword but mainly uses for capturing villains, swinging and rescuing civilians.

3) Float - pretty self explanatory, can fly and with OFA boosting it he can go 200km/hr (124m/hr).

4) Danger sense - can sense danger to himself and others in a raidus, ranging from ill intentions to someone throwing daggers at him.

5) smokescreen- can produce water vapour also known as a mist and knows how to make it more or less condensed. He can power OFA in his eyes or with the dragonic power he can see through the mist pretty easily.

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