ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1

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𓂅 𓄹 Welcome to Chapter 1 𓄼

Slight PTSD and OOC, because I'm so cool /j

Let's get into it!

━━・❪ ・━━

DURI INSTANTLY WENT BACK TO HIS ROOM, changing into more suitable clothing for going outside as he grabbed his sling bag.

He wanted to accompany Solar into the local library to find the book that he was looking for.

"Alright! I will work hard and not let any obstacle get in my way!"

The boy said with a determined face, he then went out of his room, going to his destination, the living room.

He jumped down the stairs, landing perfectly on the ground as he saw Solar in front of him.

"Woi! Be careful!! Haven't you learned your lesson to not jump while you're on the stairs!?"

Solar yelled in worry as Duri chuckled, reassuring the light wielder that it was fine.

"Now come on! I wanna go there already!" -Duri

"You hate the library." - Solar

"Of course I do! Now let's go!"

Duri got a hold of his brother's hand as he rushed out of the house, heading to the library.

━━・❪ ・━━

"AH! This place never fails to anger me deep inside!"

Duri smiled as he puts both his hands on his hips, Solar deadpanned at his older brother.

"Let's get going so that we can get home early."

Solar sighed, heading in first as he was followed by Duri.

The nature elemental looked around to see where the "Greek" topic was. Looking up the signs, he found it!

He hurriedly went in and started searching through the shelves.

"Greek Gods and Goddesses"
"Trojan War"
"The Underworld"

Duri proudly smiled, keeping the books close to him, then he caught a book glowing at the end of the shelves.


The boy then grabbed it out of curiosity, the book was so thin yet he knew something was in there to help him.

He went back to Solar who was carrying a bunch of science books, the light elemental was waiting for him.

"Took you long enough, come on. Let's get these to the counter."

Solar smirked a bit, going to the counter with Duri who was happily following him.

━━・❪ ・━━

THE TWO YOUNGEST SIBLINGS CAME BACK HOME UNSCATHED AND SAFE, everyone was having an arm-wrestling match.

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