Chapter 18: Eli The Hedgehog

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Knuckles stood at the mouth of the cave he had led the team into to dodge the cobra's as he waited for Emily and Silver to show up.

Shadow was slowly coming around, but they used a very strong drug on him and he was still mostly unconscious. Tails was dripping water into Shadow's mouth to hopefully bring him around.

"Come on, Sal!" Sonic said, arguing with Sally. "Let me find them. I can outrun those cobra's no sweat!"

"No, Sonic!" Sally confronted. "Your reflexes are still slow from the dugs those cobras gave you. You're not leaving this cave until I'm sure you've recovered!"

Knuckles continued his watch, silently listening to the two of them argue. He hoped Emily and Silver were alright. Though he wouldn't say it out loud, Silver had become almost a son to the Guardian. Silver loved Angel Island and always went with Knuckles to either fix or build new traps that protected it.

"Hey, Red," Rouge said, coming to stand next to Knuckles.

Knuckles looked at her. She was still wearing her dancing girl outfit minus her veil. "What do you want Rouge?" Knuckles asked, sounding annoyed.

Rouge sighed and offered a smile. She knew Knuckles well enough to know when he was worried about something or someone. "They'll be fine," Rouge said. "Remember, we both trained Em, and Silver is a smart kid. They'll be here before you know it."

"I hope you're right, Rouge." Knuckles said. "I hope you're right."

I kept an eye on Eli as he checked Silver's vital signs. He knew what he was doing, that much I knew, but I was still suspicious about this one-eyed hedgehog. Soon, Eli turned Silver over on his belly.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You've been traveling with the Guardian of the Master Emerald," Eli replied, tearing off a piece of his cloak. "Tell me, what is the best way to calm the nerves after using an emerald?"

"You put a warm cloth on the back of your neck." I answer.

"That's what I'm doing," Eli replied.

He took a cup out of his pack and filled it with water from a canteen. He then placed his rag in the water and set it by the fire to heat the water. He then used his pack as a pillow for Silver and draped his cloak over the unconscious hedgehog.

"How did you know we were traveling with the Guardian?" I asked, not sure if I wanted to reveal Knuckles' name.

"I've followed you since Ironlock." Eli replied as he stood and walked over to me. "While we wait for the water to heat up, lets have a look at your wound."

I force myself to keep still, though slightly embarrassed at the fact I was still dressed like an Arabian dancer. Eli didn't seem to mind though. He knelt beside me and looked at my wounds. I had a gash on my head, but he was already cleaning it out. He then pulled something out of my hair and held it up so I could see it. It was a ruby stud that Rouge and added.

"That was a risky plan back there," Eli commented. "Your bat friend has quite the imagination."

"I'll be sure to tell her that next time I see her," I reply.

Eli placed the ruby in my hand and put a hand to his patch. He hesitated and looked straight in my face. "I want to promise not to be frightened by what you're about to see. I have a robotic eye, and I need it to see your wound clearly."

I nodded in promise.

Eli then removed his patch and placed it over his good eye, revealing a robotic eye with a red power light. I recognized the light immediately from the swamp, but I didn't say anything. I listened as his eye whirred and he gently dressed my wound.

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