Chapter 11: The Plan of Three

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Our journey to Ironlock was in fact very easy. The weather was fair with it being spring and the team seemed to like riding the horses. Knuckles took the lead since he knew where the Temple might be, Silver and I rode side by side and I held the map. Sonic and Sally came next, then Antoine and Bunny then Shadow brought up the rear. Rouge was flying somewhere above and I couldn't see her.

Silver was focusing on staying on Hope. It was hard to stay balanced on a moving horse. I look at Silver and chuckle. He scowled at me. "How do you keep balanced on this thing?"

"You use your seat, Silver." I explain. "And you move your hips with the horse's movement. You also use your legs both to help steer the horse, and to hang on. It's easier to do that bareback though. When you have stirrups, you can use them to help stay balanced."

Silver tried it, and sure enough, he was more balanced in the saddle. Silver then looked up at the trail ahead. Their plan was simple; travel by day and sleep at night. When they got to the river, they would take a ferry to Ironlock.

"Is this the only speed on these things?" Sonic asked, who wasn't enjoying going so slow.

I look back at Sonic and laugh. "They have four speeds Sonic; walk, trot, lope, and gallop. I've never clocked Izzy, but when she wants to go she can move pretty quickly. While I was on Angel Island the first time, I was hoping to race against you on her."

"Do I hear a dare in that comment?" Sonic asked.

I smile at him. "Perhaps," I said. "When we find time anyway."

We rode in silence for a while until the sun stood just over the trees. It was then Knuckles brought us to a stop and we made camp in a clearing by a river. We unsaddled our horses and tied them up so they wouldn't wander off. Knuckles quickly made a fire and Sonic broke out the hotdogs.

I lean against a tree and listen to some music with one ear bud in. I watch everyone as Sonic cooked the hotdogs on a spit. My eyes wandered to where Silver and bunny where practicing martial arts. Silver was watching Bunny's movements carefully.

"Very good, Sugah." Bunny said. "Y'all are gettin' better all the time."

"Thanks, Bunny." Silver said, smiling.

I smile and watch Silver. His innocent nature was making it hard to believe what the Lord had called us to do. I mean, look at me; I was shy most of the time and didn't talk to many people until I warm up to them. Silver was just a kid, maybe only a couple years younger than I was. Sure he had once been sent by Mephilis to kill Sonic, but his heart proved stronger than Mephilis' lies. I wondered what was planning, using Silver and me for such a job. My mind turned to when Mephilis hurt Silver. I remembered his burning body laying in my lap. I didn't dare leave his side. I was able to protect him from Fake Silver, why couldn't I protect him against Mephilis?

"Em," Knuckles called.

"Hmm?" I ask, looking over at Knuckles.

"Where's that map?" He called. "I'd like to see how far we have yet."

I pull it out of my bag and walk over to the fire. I unroll it and watch Knuckles as he started to navigate. "Looks like a full weeks ride ahead." He reported. "That is, if we pick up the pace a bit."

"That can be arranged, Knuckles." I said. "The horses did well today on the trail, none of them showing signs of soreness. I think we can pick it up to a trot at least and maybe a lope."

"Finally," Sonic said. "We'll be going a different speed other than walking."

Sally helped herself to a hotdog and rolled her eyes. "Sonic, I'm a eager as you are to see the temple, but lets at least try to pace ourselves."

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