Chapter 16: The Desert Road

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"Are you sure you can't stay longer?" Storm asked.

It was the morning after Resurrection Day; Sonic and Knuckles had regained enough strength to get back on the road, and we needed to get to the Great Desert quickly to find Silver's Helmet of Deliverance. We packed the horses with refreshed food and water supplies, new blankets and a bit of money.

Storm and his mother were sad that we had to leave. Frankly, so were we. This place was so peaceful, I wished I could somehow bring my family here to live. But I knew my place was on Earth, and I wondered if I'd ever see my world or my family again.

"We have plenty of room for you guys to stay," Teresa said, standing in the doorway with Storm.

"Thanks," Sally said. "But we have to keep moving. We promise we'll come back this way someday."

"We'll hold you to that." Storm said, but he still looked sad.

I stop taking Izzy and smile at the boy. I then spot my favorite bracelet on my wrist. I forgot I was wearing it when I was warped to Mobius. I got it in Indiana just as a reminder of the trip. I slip it off and walk over to Storm.

"What's this?" He asked, unable to see what it was.

"It's a bracelet of mine." I explain as I slip it onto his wrist and tighten it. "I got it on a trip with my grandparents, to remind me of the time I had there. I want you to have it, to remember our visit."

Storm felt the bracelet with his other hand. It was like a soft small rope that had been braided. He smiled and embraced me. "I'll remember." He said.

I hug him back before I go back to Izzy and mount. Everyone else was mounted on their horses, who all looked well rested and ready for the second half of the trip.

"You two take care of yourselves." Knuckles called, turning Aladdin and started walking.

"You too!" Storm called as he waved goodbye.

I waved back as we picked up the pace to a lope and rode out of the village. It felt good to lope on Izzy, especially among the other horses. Silver and Hope where right beside me. Silver had only been riding for a short time, but he had a good seat and didn't flop around in the saddle like he did before. Tails and Antoine seemed to still be having trouble, but they were getting better too.

Knuckles again took the lead, but this time because Aladdin was faster. Sonic was right next to him on Ol' Blue, and he was impressed on how fast the roan could go. Rouge flew above us, since she didn't have a horse. Shadow was on the other side of Knuckles, Silver and I were right behind Knuckles with Tails, Bunny, Sally and Antoine behind us.

We covered a lot of ground that day. We finally stopped for a rest outside of the Dark Swamp. We weren't about to travel through it; the horses could easily break a leg in the muck and bogs if they sank into the mud, and Sally wasn't going to risk it.

It was now the late afternoon, and we only stopped to rest the horses and to have lunch. I ate an apple. Mobian apples were juicier than Earth apples, and crisper. I looked down at my sword. I've always wanted to own a real sword, all I had was a dagger and a wooden sword. It always felt good to have a real blade at your side. I was sitting next to Tails and Antoine and we were looking toward the swamp.

"Have you guys ever been in there?" I asked.

Tails shook his head. "Only Sonic and Sally. They thought there was some old parts in there they could use for new weapons. All they found was muck."

I look at the swamp and felt goose bumps rise on my arms. "I certainly don't want to go in there."

"Zat would be good thinking," Antoine said. "I've heard stories of ghooels and specters in there."

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