Chapter 13: Him Again!

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Outside, Silver and Shadow were fighting off Eggman's robots. Silver was determined not to give into the Doctor, but these robots where made of that weird metal that sapped his strength.

Shadow was fighting valiantly, his mind set on protecting Silver at any cost. He wasn't sure why though; it was like he was with Molly again.

"Do you like my new invention, Silver?" Eggman asked. "It was thanks to you that this metal could be discovered. I had gathered the information I needed from the band I gave you last year."

Silver glared up at Eggman. He hadn't forgotten that he was once Eggman's prisoner and had a band around his head to keep him from escaping, but the band was eating away at his ability. It was during that time when he met Emily for the first time. Eggman had dragged her into his cell and left her on the cold floor. Silver would never forget that blessed day.

Suddenly, the robot made a very high-pitched sound that made Silver's head and ears ache. He fell to his knees and screamed in pain.

Shadow quickly knocked this robot aside, relieving Silver's tortured ears. He smiled at Shadow and nodded in thanks. Suddenly, the robot attacked back, knocking Shadow against the temple. Silver watched as Shadow crumbled to the floor unconscious.

"Shadow!" Sally called, running over to the wounded hedgehog.

Silver drew his attention back to Eggman, fear making his fur stand. Ever since that battle with Eggman, Silver had a deep fear of him, but he would force it away to help his friends. This time, however, the fear refused to be pushed away this time.

"Hehehe," Eggman chuckled. "You are certainly more than I bargained for, Silver. It was certainly a surprise when I found out that both you AND her had the Master Emeralds power!"

Silver shivered, but tried not to show it.

"She's both your strength and weakness, Silver." Eggman said. "Have you even considered what might happen to her on this quest of yours? She is only a human, someone much more delicate than a Mobian."

"Leave him alone!"

Silver turns and smiles as Knuckles, Rouge, Sonic and I run up beside him. I ready my new sword and stand defensively next to Silver. "God sent us on this journey, and God will help us through it!"

"Well, aren't we so sure?" Eggman said. "What makes you think that He'll come to your rescue here? If you've forgotten, this isn't your world, kid."

I grin at the doctor. "My God is with me anywhere I go! He has proven that already." I look at Silver and smile. "I just have to trust Him. An no pompous fool is going to change my mind!"


I lean over to Sonic. "I Think I made him a little mad,"

Sonic laughed. "I'd say that's a safe bet. Now lets see what that sword can do."

I nod and we attack; Knuckles and Rouge were on my left and Silver and Sonic where on my right. Antoine's training had come back to mind as I charged. I attack the first robot with the sword, slicing it almost in half. Silver lifted two more bots and slammed them into each other before sending them into a group, knocking them over like bowling pins. Sonic took them out the old fashioned way by spin dashing the robots, looking like a pinball. Knuckles and Rouge where surprisingly working as a team to take them out. With the robots out of the way we charged Eggman again.

"Feisty, aren't we?" Eggman asked, poking a button and releasing two new robots, both resembling large leopards with dangerously sharp claws.

The movement distracted Rouge at first, allowing Eggman's main robot to slap her away, sending her to the ground with a thud.

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