When you got your promotion, you heard that one of BTS's stylists was going on maternity leave so you recommended Kai to your boss, not thinking they'd actually reach out to him

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When you got your promotion, you heard that one of BTS's stylists was going on maternity leave so you recommended Kai to your boss, not thinking they'd actually reach out to him. He showed up to work just a few weeks later.

"I'll think about it," you smile softly, squeezing his fingers. "I'm sorry for being such a debbie downer lately, I'm just really tired."

"Okay," he sighs, giving your cheek a quick peck. "I'm here if you ever need to talk, okay?"

"I know you are," you grin, feeling grateful to have such a wonderful friend in your life. Jimin's also quickly become someone really close to you over the last few months, but you don't want to tell anyone what's going on.

Even you don't know what's going on.

"We're going to watch, do you guys want to come?" Hana, Seokjin's makeup artist asks. She's somewhere in her mid thirties with a plain but cute face and short black hair that rests around her shoulders. You almost say yes until you see who's staring at you from behind her — more like glaring.

Aera, Yoongi's makeup artist. She's always hated you ever since you started and you didn't know why. Not until recently, that is.

She's just as good-looking as Kai; tall and slender with gorgeous teeth, but her short wavy hair is dyed a soft orange, almost like a natural redhead. Everyone else compliments her hair color but you personally think she looks like a carrot. Her eyes are almond shaped with fake eyelash extensions, which you will admit look pretty good on her. She has a small and cute nose with big beautiful lips, two little black birthmarks right under her left eyebrow that almost look like piercings.

"You guys go ahead," you say, letting go of Kai's hand. "I have to step out and call my sister." You see Aera smirk from the corner of your eye but you choose to ignore her. Just being near her makes your stomach turn, reminding you of things you're desperate to forget.

"I'll be near the back, come find me later," Kai grins, following behind Hana and Aera. He has no idea she hates you. Kai is a petty bitch and loyal to a fault. He would definitely start drama if it meant he could defend you, so you haven't told him anything.

You haven't told anyone anything.

Not about how you've been crying yourself to sleep every night for the past two months, or that you have to take a break almost every day to go throw up in the bathroom. You haven't mentioned that you haven't slept through the night in weeks, or that on your off days you can't even get out of bed.

You don't want anyone to know. You don't want to bother anyone. Kai knows something's wrong with you but he's trying not to pressure you. If you tell him, his career could be in jeopardy. So you're going to keep your mouth shut.

But in a week it won't matter anymore. You're going to put in your notice soon and forget these last six months ever happened.

Your memories from November until now weren't all bad. You actually have a lot of really good memories. But that almost makes it worse. Now you're not able to look back on them and smile anymore. Now all you can do is push them to the back of your mind, doing your best just to keep your head above the water.

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