35- Court

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Cody sat in Gwen's car nervously for the second time in two weeks. He wanted Noah to be proven innocent, yes, but bloody hell was this scary. He's nineteen, he should be out at a party not in court testifying.

As he walked up the cement steps to the entrance, he got stopped by a man maybe in his mid-twenties. "Anderson, right?" he asked. Cody just nodded in confusion.

"I'm the Sterecra's lawyer, Dennis Smith, you're testifying for them, correct?" Cody nodded again. "My, you look fifteen. That's good though, it will definitely help you and the Sterecra's, what will help more is if you maybe lose the blazer. Here, follow me to my office in here so I can talk to you about what will happen too, doubt a young boy like you had been to court before." So he followed, still half asleep from it being so early for him and he never slept last night out of anxiety.

"Okay, so first off I suppose, who were you to Noah? Obviously you were in his life but I really wasn't told much about you other than your name and hair colour. Anyway, the closer you were to him, the more likely they are to believe you and show sympathy towards you, sometimes that said sympathy can lead to them listening to you better and choosing your side," Cody's leg shook like crazy as he sat in that hard chair.

"Uhm, I- I was his boyfriend, and the witness I guess," the lawyer's eyes widened. Cody hoped it was because of him being a witness, but something in him thought it was the boyfriend part.

"Definitely close then. Here, buddy, listen, I want to help you and I can tell you're a great kid, so i'm going to be honest with you, you look horrible." Atleast he didn't call him a slur or something. "You do well under pressure, or talking in front of people?" Cody shook his head quickly.

"I barely made it through my interrogation last week without getting sick on the detective," he said in a nervous giggle.

"It'll be okay, and don't worry if you end up crying, just don't look mad. Even if you do get a bit frustrated, don't show it, guilty people and liars look mad a lot," Cody took a mental note. "Is that a children's clip-on tie?" He asked in a laugh while pointing to Cody's tie on his white button up. Cody nodded in embarrassment.

"I was never taught to tie one, so I kept the one my mum bought when I was small that she got for her and my step-dad's wedding," he smiled once more and digged in a drawer he had. He pulled out a blue with maroon stripes proper tie and motioned Cody up.

"Here, i'll teach you kiddo," Cody never had so much serotonin float through his body this fast. He felt like a real kid, he almost forgot about where he'd be in about an hour.

After the whole talk that Dennis gave Cody, he sat in a room where he saw a few police chatting by a snack machine. He got a bit scared that he might have walked into the wrong room, but the police just smiled at him as he walked through.

"Hey kid, what are you doing in here?" One asked with a concerningly wide smile.

"I uh, the Sterecra's lawyer told me to wait in here for a bit until he came to get me?" Maybe he had walked into the wrong room after all.

"Alright, I assume you're the witness then?" Cody nodded and sat on a nearby sofa for the next fourty or so minutes.

After the lawyer got Cody and they did all of the pledging and the judge walked up, Cody sat down nervously and looked at all the people there. The lawyer said it was okay to cry, but it definitely wasn't okay that he wanted to cry not even a minute in. He saw Sierra's mum and who he assumed to be her lawyer in the other side of the room. He met Sierra's mum when she came to the school once to talk about a career choice for careers week. She definitely wasn't any less creepy than Sierra to say the least.

"So Mr. Anderson, I guess to start this off, during your interrogation with Detective Simon, you mentioned how you broke and entered into the Davidson's property, correct?" Sierra's mum's lawyer asked, to which Cody shakily responded in "yes miss."

"Why exactly did you break in, or what was your intention," Cody didn't exactly know the answer himself.

"We were running away from home, which had been entirely my idea, and I pointed out the house that I thought belonged to no one. We never really had any intention other than sleeping somewhere other than a car for the night," Cody kept glancing over to Noah's parents who he had assumed never been told exactly the whole story. Cody asked Riley to tell them, but he guessed that she never had time going off their faces.

"And when you killed Sierra, you just left the body there to what? Rot? Traumatize who ever she was living with, which in her case, was her mum?" He was about to defend himself by saying they tried to hide it, but he realised that probably wouldn't help him.

"Objection, your honour, for speculation." Maybe Cody should've payed attention to what Gwen said every weird word meant.

"Sustained," the judge just replied.

"Next question then," the Davidson's lawyer began. "Were you going to ever consider turning yourselves in, or were you just going to run?" This was scary. This was so fucking scary.

"I considered it, but was too scared. I'm not sure about Noah though. We did end up telling a few people like his sister Riley, who we stayed with for a bit and my dad, my mum found out herself, but yes I guess to answer your question, our plan was basically just to run and hide." All this formal talk made Cody feel out of character. His said character was supposed to be weird horny nineteen year old frat boy, not kid in a court room with an outfit that's not his and his bleached blonde hair with his chestnut brown roots showing.

"That's all, your honour," and she stepped away, then Dennis  stepped up.

"Mr.Anderson, during the interrogation around last week you made a brief mention of Sierra Davidson being your stalker in school, do you mind going into more depth about that?" Cody's muscles went tense before hesitantly nodding.

"In about year ten or eleven Sierra began going to my school. I agreed to be friends with her because in all honesty I didn't have many friends. She used to come over to my house because she wanted help studying and if I ever took a shower or something she would always take pictures. She also never let me hang out with anybody else or go places alone," it's still definitely too early to cry.

"So, do you suppose that this was a sense of revenge or karma, maybe?" Why would Cody and Noah find her address for revenge? He hated her, sure, but not enough to find her home and kill her.

And with that, court went on with more scary and dreadful questions. Cody went back to where he didn't even know if he could call home. He lied there, on the grey futon Owen and Izzy let him sleep on. Why did he have to mess everything up? He never even fixed what he thought was broken and what he had assumed running away would help. Cody only made every single thing in the world worse. He absolutely destroyed Noah's family's life, he made Owen never want to leave his room unless he was getting food or laying on the sofa watching TV. Sierra wouldn't be dead if it weren't for Cody's selfish decision of running away. Neither would Noah. God fucking damn it, why couldn't things just go back to normal? Why couldn't he be in his bedroom at his mother's house with Noah sitting on his bed with him reading Percy Jackson out loud because Noah knew how much Cody loved Greek mythology?

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