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Noah   Wednesday

(also tw(?): mention of substance abuse/ overdose)

I drove Cody and I back to his place, hoping Emma wasn't going to be weird and stalk me. I remember this one girl in high school was obsessed with Cody and was super creepy. I think her phone background was Cody in the shower?

Cody said his dad would probably be gone all night, and that his mum wouldn't mind, so I could stay the night.

"Wanna watch a movie? While you were gone I finally got a TV in my room. Oh, remember when I used to throw rocks at your window until you let me in and we'd watch movies!" Cody did use to do that, which I found both annoying and adorable. Mostly annoying though, half the time it would be two in the morning and I hear pebbles being thrown at my window.

"Sure, but we're not watching some trashy alien movie again." Cody opened his mouth to say something back, but ignored it. He pulled me up to his room and pushed me onto the bed as he walked over to his desk and turned on the TV. He sat next to me, and scrolled through random movies until he found one.

"Dude, this movie made me cry!" He said while leaning back on his elbows. I'd recognized an actor or two, but never heard of the movie.

"Never heard of it in my life," I said, earning a gasp from the smaller boy.

"You've never watched The Book of Henry?!" I shook my head and Cody grabbed my head and forced me onto his shoulder while throwing his arm across my back.

"If you don't cry watching this, I will believe those rumours from high school that say you're heartless." I laughed and just stayed there, watching the movie. He was right, I did end up crying, and so did he, but after the sad bit it just got confusing. I didn't question it though, he seemed to really like it and that's all I cared about.

His mum walked in while Cody was showing me his around his minecraft world he insisted on me seeing.

"Oh, hi Noah, you boys need anything before I head to bed?" Cody and I shook our heads, she smiled and walked out again. Cody continued to show me random bits that had apparently special meaning before spinning in his chair and looking at me with puppy eyes. Not the kind which you beg someone with, just big pupils and a look of innocence in them. Similar to when you show a baby a dog, they don't know what it is but they instantly adore it.

"Wanna make out?" I laughed at first, not thinking he was serious. He watched me with a small smile on his face, it's weird to think he was just acting like one of my nephews before and now all the sudden wants to make out.

"Sure, yeah," I said between laughs. His smile was wider as he got up from his chair, leaving the game paused. He sat next to me and hesitated before awkwardly grabbing my face and smashing our lips together.

Yeah, we've been together for two years, but everytime we kissed it still felt as awkward and nerve racking as the first time. It was weird in a way. I know Cody isn't Emma, and that I actually love Cody, but it was so much more uncomfortable when Emma would get touchy. With him it just feels normal and reassuring, a little hot too. Maybe it's because he's my boyfriend, it would make sense, or just because i'm gay. I don't care about Emma though, Cody is who I care about, and him only.

As minutes passed, I felt more of a feeling of need to Cody. He was originally on top of me, with both of his knees on either side of my waist. I didn't want to admit it, but I was hard right now. Cody wasn't though, which made me a bit worried that he didn't actually enjoy it although he was the one being more aggressive with making out than I was. Maybe that was the problem? So with that I moved my hands from his waist to the back of his head, pulling him closer. Sure I sound desperate, but it's fine.

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