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Noah Monday

We started filming the first episode today, we were still in the planes and one of the flight attendants called me up to the cockpit.

"Hello Mr. Sterecra, my name is Jasmine. I'm one of Don's interns. I already talked with one of the other cast members, Emma, and Don wants you two to fake a relationship later on in the show. We will pay you extra, but we want you to not tell anyone. Along with you and Emma being payed extra compared to other cast members, you'll also be scripted on when you will be eliminated. You, sir, with your scripted exit will not win, apologies. You will also go as far as kissing eachother on your last episode, only once unless we have to reshoot, is that okay?" What. The. Fuck. Who the hell would accept that offer?!

"Uhm, hell no honey. First of all, I do not want to have a "scripted exit" are you insane? Second, I don't think I even have a choice. Third, I have a fucking boyfriend back home who is watching this! I'm not kissing someone else for him to see, or in general, for him get pissed at me, and end the whole thing because you want ratings!" She kept a straight face the entire time, which seemed impossible to me.

Mister self-obsessed host dude himself walked in, intern lady leaving, making it just me and Don.

"Noah, I understand you have other things going on, but we need this to work. We got 'the daters' to pretend to hate eachother later on, and Emma already agreed and she has a boyfriend at home too. We just need you to pretend to be obsessed with her, crush on her, anything." He gave me a pleading and begging look, which I couldn't care less about.

"Fuck. No. I am not ruining things with my boyfriend of two years because you want me to drool over miss I'm-gonna-be-a-lawyer! I couldn't give two shits if she has a boyfriend or not, either. I, for one, actually care about my relationship, so sorry sweetheart, but I am not doing it. I'd rather you give Owen all the money i'm supposed to be making." He gave a small smile, similer to the one my old boss, Chris, used to have when I was his intern and agent. The smile is never a good thing.

"Noah, i'm not asking again, and i'm not making this an argument either. You are going to do it, you can inform your boyfriend about how it was fake and you and Emma can fake a break up after the whole show airs, okay?" Who the fuck is okay with this.

"Uh, no. Not okay, I was an agent for a guy similar to you and I remember the hell I went through. I also remember that as the host, you aren't allowed to force your cast into aggrements and that the person being forced to agree with you, can sue you, sorry babe but one of us here is smart." I turned around to walk away but felt a hand over mine.

"And the other, just illegally made you sign a contract saying you have to listen, so that's too bad," he winked and pushed me out, back into the passenger area.

"Hey little buddy! What was that about, you look upset?" I wasn't just upset, I was fucking livid.

"Oh upset is sure a word. Don can go suck a fucking dick! Owen hand me my phone, now." I said sternly and angrily. He looked scared, I never got mad around him a lot, so this was new to him. He got my phone out my bag and handed to me. I walked into the bathroom and ringed Cody. Fuck the rule of 'not telling anyone.'

"Hey Noah! You doing okay?" Cody sounded out of breath, I could hear another voice with him which was odd knowing he never talked to his dad and no one else I could think of had that deep of a voice.

"Yeah, that's what I wanted to talk about. Before that though, who are you with?" If he's cheating on me and Don did something about it I swear to-

"Oh, Trent and I are at a park. We're actually getting along pretty well, which is surprising because I thought he'd hate me. What's your show called by the way? I completely forgot, I wrote it down at home but Trent wanted to watch too!" Cody sounded excited to talk, which was a very him thing to do.

"Ridonculous Race. Cody listen though, this is serious and I have to be quiet, i'm not supposed to tell you this,"

"Oh i'm always serious babe, don't worry. Tell me though." Cody used 'babe' alot as a pet name, which I didn't like originally, but grew used to.

"Don faked my signature on a contract and wants me to-" Don came barging in with a camera man and a guy holding s microphone. This won't be pretty.

"Noah! I see you don't know how to listen, i'll take that," Don took the phone out my hand and Cody made a faint "what?" before Don showed the phone to a camera.

"Look at that guys, Noah calling and breaking up with his boyfriend after realizing he's straight? Would not want to be..Cody right now," he took a few sconds to look at the contact name. He pulled his collar while talking making both me and Cody yell "WHAT?!?" Don pushed his cameraman and threw my phone back at me leaving me with a yelling Cody.

"Noah what the fuck?!" He sounded upset, and really mad. Thanks Don, I love you to the moon and back.

"Cody, that's not what happened. Listen please," he was crying now, and I wanted to. If I lost Cody because of this bastard, I was going to kill him.

"He's lying. He wants me and this girl Emma, who i'm telling you, is bossy and loud and annoying as fuck, he wants us to get together for ratings. He offered to pay me and I told him no, I told him I wouldn't give up our relationship and I won't. Just please, don't believe him, please Cody. I will leave this entire show right now if it means I will still be with you." There wasn't any response, he hung up.

I walked out of the bathroom and sat in my seat next to Owen, crossing my arms and slouching. I was fucking pissed, everything is ruined.

"What's wrong little buddy?" Owen's too sweet to be mad at, it isn't his fault either. Just then I got a text from Cody, thank fuck.

hey noah, its okay if you dont like me anymore, i get it. Just try to win, okay? good luck :)

He didn't actually believe Don, did he?

Cody, i still love you, i promise. Don is just an asshole and made up some lie to try and break us up so he can get me and some girl together for ratings. I promise i dont like her, im not straight, obviously, and i still love you. I'd throw the challenge if it made you not be upset. But because you asked so nicely, i guess ill try to win.

Please let him believe me.

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