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Cody Thursday night

(A/N: I apologize in advance if there's a few typos or words that don't have apostrophes correctly. I'm writing this one off my pc because my phone died, and I don't have auto correct. Anyways, this also might be a pretty long chapter, but hopefully fun and having some fluff :))

Gwen threw down the blankets on what I assume to be their bed. Noah closed his book and moved my legs off of his before getting up and sitting in the other bed.

"Gwen, are you sure your mum won't be back tonight? I don't want to take up her bed or anything," I asked, getting up and following Noah.

"Yes, Cody. Plus, Courtney and I have her bed so you two are fine. Do you want to watch a movie or anything though?" She held up the remote and waved it around. I nodded aggressively, Courtney responded with "sure," and Noah hummed.

"How about It, it's not too scary since Cody's a big baby," I made an over-dramatic gasp and pretended to be upset. Noah and Courtney both just hummed in response.

"You two are boring. Cody, we should've just had this sleepover ourselves," I gave her a small laugh and looked at Noah, who was just staring at my hands as I picked at the skin on my fingers. He quickly moved his attention to the TV in front of us, after noticing my eyes on him.


Noah and Gwen fell asleep while watching the movie, I don't even want to know how. Courtney was almost crying out of fear, and I looked like a big baby because I can't ever sleep without one of my favourite stuffed animals. My stuffed emu, Jerry, was one of the things my mum had gotten as a gift for my birth. She gave it to me when I was younger, but I could never get myself to stop sleeping with it in my arms every night. My dad told me it was childish, and I looked like a sissy, but I couldn't help it. I just can't sleep if I don't have him there with me, no matter how hard I try, or how long I keep my eyes closed, I just can't.

Courtney fell asleep towards the end, but I was still wide awake. I finally decided to lay down, and I stared at the alarm clock on the nightstand in between both of the beds. It read 12:47 AM, it wasn't the latest i've ever been awake, but I don't like being up past eleven at night.

I heard a shuffle and a groan beside me, I rolled over to see what it was. It was Noah, he looked peaceful in his sleep. He had one of his arms stretched out, hitting my shoulder. I could hear his small, quiet snores and watched his chest rise and fall as he breathed evenly.

I quietly got up to get some water, when I got back Noah was laying on his back awake and watching me walk back.

"You're awake?" I asked him, although it sounded more like a statement. He nodded and rubbed his eyes with his knuckles.

"Why are you still awake?" He asked in a different sounding voice. It was deeper, but also softer. It was also kind of hot, but calling your friend hot is weird, right?

"Honestly it's dumb, but I basically just couldn't sleep," He looked at me as I talked, who the fuck is this guy? Is this a new Noah, because the Noah I know would not look at you as you talked, looking like he cared what you said.

"Then lay down and close your eyes idiot, don't stand there with your eyes open." He was still rubbing his eyes, but was facing me this time.

"I obviously tried that already," I started, "if I tell you why I can't sleep, you have to promise not to laugh." He was still facing me as I put down the cup of water and sat on the bed. He nodded and stayed still, only moving his arms.

"I can't sleep without one of my stuffed animals, it's an emu. I got it when I was younger from my mum and never stopped sleeping with it." Noah was still awake, listening, and not even smiling like he wanted to laugh.

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