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Noah    Thursday

I quickly got out from under the bed and like that she was gone. She didn't disappear, I wish she had though.

I took the knife and, well I guess you can assume what had happened. Cody looked mortified, he was covered in blood. Beau instantly climbed out from under the bed and started barking. Sierra was lying in the floor, Cody got up and hugged me. It grossed me out from the blood getting on me, but I cared more that Cody was safe.

"Are you okay?" I asked while hugging him back. I know she didn't do anything to him, but she almost did, and that's what's bad.

"We need to hide her," he said, weirdly calm. He never told me about a history of being a criminal, and I didn't take him to have one. I don't know how he was acting so fine though. Sure, she was weird and gross to him, but it's a lifeless body for fuck's sake.

After about an hour of cleaning up our traces, and burning Cody's old and blood covered clothes. We decided to leave the house and head for a train. Hiding the body seemed to be too difficult, people are a whole lot more heavy when they're dead, so we just left the body there to rot. Sure, couldve been kinder and left a sorry note incase she somehow had friends that came over or family, but I could care less about her.

Cody suggested leaving the whole "plan" thing and just going, which at first I was against, but agreed to nonetheless. We headed to a train station, and looked at different places we could go. The farthest a train would take us tonight was to Manitoba, so that's where we're headed.

I felt Cody tug at my arm. He looked like he was about to cry. I mean we killed someone, i'm not surprised that he's scared. No, I killed someone, he didn't do anything but become a victim of Sierra's and a witness to what I did. What I, Noah Sterecra, did.

"We need to change how we look," he whispered. He lead me over to a shop for hair and makeup that was near, he grabbed some hair bleach and scissors. We went into the family washroom back at the train station and told me he would bleach his hair and that I needed to cut my mine. I was a bit upset, I enjoyed having longer hair, but it was that or get caught by the police.

My hair was still a bit longer than Cody's, but shorter than my liking. Cody's hair was blonde now, it didn't really look right. His hair was still fluffy, but now all of that fluff covered his eyes. I guess his idea was changing his hair colour and getting rid of the middle part, while mine was cut off basically all my hair and let him style it. He also bought new clothes, making me look like Duncan, the kid who would call me slurs in high school. Cody wore a hawaiian shirt with light blue jeans, looking a bit odd, but I didn't care.

I got Beau a new dog collar, changing the colour, name and phone number. The name now said "Lark" which I really liked. I put in some random number, not sure who's it actually was.

"My real dad actually lives in Manitoba," Cody started. I was a bit confused, he never told me his dad at his house wasn't actually his dad. Or that he knew where Manitoba was in the first place.

"I thought you lived with your dad?" I asked, still confused. His main focus didn't leave the wall, the train wouldn't arrive for another hour and a half, so i'm not really sure why we're waiting here instead of killing time.

"That's my step-dad, my real dad was never married to my mum. My dad moved after I was born because his parents didn't want him having a kid at sixteen." He layed his head on my shoulder and messed with my hair a bit. "Short hair actually doesn't look bad on you," he said while smiling and looking back at me. I smiled back, I didn't like having short hair, I felt off.

"Honestly, you look more like a child with blonde hair than you did before," he hit me in the arm before looking at the wall again. For a minute, I almost forgot what we did. What I did, Cody didn't do anything, I put him in trouble for nothing.

The train had finally arrived, there weren't many people there, but still enough to make me paranoid.

"So, are we headed there?" I asked him, after sitting in a few minutes of silence. He kept shaking his leg and twiddling his thumbs, I could tell he was nervous.

"Yeah, my mum said she kept in touch with him for a while. He knows i'm trans, he's okay with it, I don't think she told him about you though," he said while holding his knees.

"That's good," I deadpanned. I'm still a bit scared that someone here knows, then again she kinda deserved it. Not to mention her phone screen was still that picture she got from when they were friends and she came into his house and got a picture of him while he was showering. It was fucking gross.

"How has Elliott been? I mean you never talk about him anymore and the last time I saw him was when you invited me for christmas dinner." It's not like Elliott and I hate eachother, it's more of his dad doesn't like me, even if I am his brother-in-law.

"He's fine, his dad doesn't like me though, don't know why," Cody hummed in response. His phone started ringing, it was Gwen. I don't know if he was happy about leaving all his friends there, not telling them bye. He only said bye to his mum because I made him, he probably hasn't told Gwen.

"Sorry, i'm not actually in town right now," he said to the girl on the phone. I couldn't make out what she was saying, but her tone was a bit loud.

"Noah and I are going on a uh, trip?" He said, sounding like he was asking. He looked at me after talking, I just rolled my eyes in response.

"Yeah, i'll call you when we arrive," he said before hanging up. Gwen wasn't as annoying as she was back when I first met her. When her and Courtney were together, they forced Cody and I on double dates a lot because of how cheesy Courtney is.

Cody also made me also get to know her, even when Courtney complained about how she never wanted to talk to her again and how I shouldn't either. Courtney thought that she liked Trent still, which was pretty dumb. I know Cody and Gwen have a sibling kind of friendship though, it's sweet in a way.

"What's your dad like?" I asked without looking at him. He took a while to answer, but eventually spoke up. I was trying to make sure we didn't talk about Sierra either, or I just wanted to make it look more like we were just visiting Cody's dad than running from the fact that we offed someone.

"My mum said I got his geeky traits. I apparently have his eyes too, and I got the fluffy hair from him," he paused and drummed his hands on his thighs. "So I think you'll like him," he said while giving a small giggle.

"Why, 'cause you're just a spitting imagine of him?" I said giving a quiet laugh. He smiled and gave me a small laugh.

"I can ask my mum for his number, and see if he's okay with us staying," Cody said while texting his mum. If his dad is anything like how his step-dad was, I wasn't excited at all.

A/N: sorry for the late update, i was dragged to go see fireworks and had a panic attack while i tried to not have my sister get hit by a car, then had to make sure there werent any typos, anyways hope you enjoyed and the next update should be tomorrow :))

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