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Cody Friday

I grabbed Noah's arm and pulled him down to my level, knocking him out of whatever trance he was in.

"Dude, Gwen likes Courtney too! This is perfect, now I don't have to be the one Gwen complains to, that can be her new girlfriend's job!" I said while pointing at the two girls who were laughing with eachother.

We got to Gwen's car, Noah and I sat in the back watching the girls blush back and forth at eachother. Noah kept showing me pictures of him, Izzy, and Eva when Izzy forced the other two on a camping trip.

"She kept eating bugs and shit too. At one point she was even like, "ooh Noah I think this one is hosting a pride fest!" and made me hold a damn caterpillar." He made his voice go high pitch and crazy sounding as he mocked Izzy.

Gwen looked back at me as I laughed at Noah's voice, my face going pink as his shoulder brushed against mine.

Courtney had decided to drive Gwen's car because she "didn't want in a wreck", so Gwen looked back at me often, casually smirking at me.

She treats me a lot like a younger brother she gives dating advice to, which i'm not entirely upset about. She has definitely been with more people than I have, so i'm not opposed to the idea of taking the advice she gives me.

"Okay, we're here. Gwen, are you meeting somewhere with your cousin?" Courtney asked while giving Gwen the keys.

"Yeah, by the cotton candy stand. Cody, you can just take you and Noah somewhere. I'll pay for you two, and i'll text you when we're getting ready to leave. Just meet back at the entrance." Gwen handed me some money and walked off before I could offer to pay for myself and Noah.

"So, uhm, what do you wanna do?" I asked while walking over to the line to get in. Noah just shrugged his shoulders.

"It was your idea to bring me, not my own. You basically just dragged me along to be your babysitter," he said while folding his arms. I payed for our tickets and pointed at random roller coasters.

"I'm sure you're not even tall enough for that one, honey." Noah said while walking behind me.

"I'm literally as tall as you, dude!" He rolled his eyes in response and pushed me away from the line we were walking to.

"Go check if you're tall enough, pip-squeak," he said while smirking. I walked up to him, apologizing to the family I cut in line.

"Are you? Don't wanna break the rules-" I cut him off by pointing at the six year old behind us.

"That kid is literally up to my elbow, obviously i'm tall enough you fucker." I said while shoving him as he laughed.

The kids mum glared at me, probably for swearing near a kid. Or that I brought them into the playful argument Noah started.

"Cody! There are kids here, you can't use that language!" Noah said, pretending to care about the kid behind us.

"Also, a kid being up to your elbow really doesn't say much babe. If anything you just complimented the kid." I crossed my arms pretending not to care, although I really only did it so I could turn my head away to hide the pink shade forming on my face.

I know he always gives stupid pet names like that to people, but it just makes me feel fuzzy in my stomach. I know what it is, Gwen helped me figure that out. The girl I used to like helped me figure out I like a guy. It's weird to think about, but i'm not denying it. I know I like him, I mean i've had the thought of kissing him, i've wanted to kiss him, I still do too.

One of the smaller kids behind me and Noah had ran into me, knocking me out of my thoughts. Noah and I walked forward, into the cart on the roller coaster.


The ride sucked. The two kids behind us were screaming in our ears the entire time, and it wasn't even fun.

We walked over to where the food stands were to get a drink, before we saw Gwen and Courtney sitting at a table. Gwen apparently "made her move" because now they're sitting next to eachother and sucking eachother's faces. I elbowed Noah and pointed at them before talking.

"I guess Gwen finally made her move." I moved up the line and got a lemonade and dragged Noah over to a table not too far from them.

"And people say i'm not good at giving pep talks," he said before sitting beside me.

"You gave Courtney a pep talk?" I said while laughing. He nodded and grabbed the drink out of my hand, taking a drink without taking his eyes off the girls.

"Wait, didn't Gwen say she was here with her cousin?" He said, turning his head to face me while sliding the plastic cup back over to me.

"Yeah... wait she doesn't even have a cousin?!" I said, probably a bit too loud. How the hell was I so stupid that I forgot she told me she didn't have any cousins?

Gwen and Courtney stopped sucking face and looked at us. Courtney was more shooting daggers into Noah's eyes, Gwen just gave me an awkward smile. Courtney got up and aggressively walked towards us, not taking her eyes off the smirking Noah.

"You have to go through with your side of the deal now," she said through her teeth. I looked between Courtney and Noah confused on what "deal" they had made.

"Oh I will, don't worry," Noah said, smirking once again. He pat my back and grabbed the cup of lemonade out of my hand. "Come on Cody, miss C.I.T here wants her alone time with Gwen," he said while standing up and smiling at a mad Courtney.

"What deal did you guys make?" I said being nosey. We were walking over to where one of the cashiers at the food stands said a petting zoo was.

"Why do you want to know? What are you some eight year old reading his mum's texts out of entertainment?" (a/n: i did that all the time when i was younger lmao) I stared at him waiting for an answer as he rolled his eyes.

"While we were leaving I told her if she asked out Gwen, i'd ask y- whoever I liked out," his face went red and he instantly pointed at something beside him.

"Oh look, uh, ducks, I think?" He pointed at a pond near one of the water rides. He was quick to change the subject, making me a bit worried.

"Those are geese, idiot," I said while shoving him. He shoved me back, smirking at me.

"Oh, i'm the idiot now?" He said before grabbing my hand and speed walking over to the ledge, closer to the pond.

"Do have any bread?" Noah looked back at me, annoyed looking.

"Why the fuck would I have bread, Cody?" I shrugged my shoulders and smiled before looking back at the pond.

Noah looked like he was about to say something before he got a call from Courtney. He stepped away before answering. Maybe Gwen's phone died and Courtney had to call Noah because she doesn't have my number?

Quicker Apologies (Total Drama, Noco)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα