393 1 7

Noah Friday


I think this is the first time i've ever wished Cody, or anyone for that matter, was lying to me straight to my face.

"Fuck," Cody whispered. "Well then, I guess we better start running before he calls the police for reward or something," he said before pulling me to the doors.

"Yeah," I said before following him. "We could probably go to one of my sister's or something, I doubt she'd not let me," I said as I walked alongside Cody on the pavement.

"Really? Where does she live?" He asked as he occasionally bumped shoulders with me.

"Don't remember, other than somewhere in British Columbia. Would have to ask," I said while pulling my hood over my head, and Cody's over his. I often felt like I was Cody's dad, and he was my seven year old son.

"Then ask, come on it can't be that hard," he said while holding my hand in my hoodie pocket.

"Fine, but how the hell are we getting there without taking an uber or going on a train or bus?" I asked while slightly squeezing his hand.

"You've got like a hundred siblings, i'm sure one lives close to here," Cody said while kicking a pebble on the ground.

"I'll text her, but did you want to do something before we left? I mean we have to hide from the police obviously, but I have a feeling you want to do something," I said while pulling out my phone and texting my sister Riley.

"Ooh, the beach! I don't think there's one here though," he said the last bit quieter. I wasn't entirely sure if there was one, but I was more focused on my sister responding, saying she lived in Vancouver and gave me both her address and sympathy. I'm not surprised, she always wanted to live in popular places.

"Me neither, but Riley lives in Vancouver," his smile began to grow wider.

"Sweet! Let's go then," he said while doing small jumps of excitement.

"How do we get there exactly?" I said while smiling and raising my eyebrows. Cody shrugged his shoulders and had a smile still plastered on his face.

"We can stay at a hotel tonight, get a cab in the morning, and hope they don't watch the news?" He said in half seriousness.

"Noah wait, you're stupid!" Cody started after remembering something. "We don't look like our ID pictures, well kinda, but we can just make up fake names if they think they recognize us!" Cody said, surprisingly being smart.

"That's true, fine, i'll listen to you more," I said half-sarcastically.


"Room 426," the receptionist said to Cody as she handed him the room keys. He gave her a thanks and pulled me over to the lift.

"See, no one's noticed yet," Cody said with a laugh. The room was small, but it could fit both of us just for the night.

"Fine, Riley is picking us up at twelve tomorrow, so be ready," I said as I lied down on the bed.


And with that, we lived pretty well. I mean sure, we couldn't go out in public ever because of being on the news, but besides that living with my sister and her family wasn't bad.

We stayed for a few months until a noteable day.

Cody and I were at Riley's alone.


"Boom baby! I won again!" Cody shouted as he leaned back on the sofa before throwing the controller.

"Whatever, Mario Kart sucks anyways," I said with a smirk before sitting up to walk to the kitchen.

"No it does not, you're just a sore loser!" Cody shouted back. It was funny to tick him off, he got definsive about everything.

"Sure. Would you want to go to that park nearby?" Cody instantly started violently nodding his head up and down.

"Yes!" He shouted as if I didn't know what nodding his head meant. So that's what we did, we began walking to the park.

As soon as we reached the park though, Cody froze. He seriously froze; he was just stood, not blinking or anything.

"Are you okay?" I asked, slightly worried. I masked that worry with a tint of sarcasm and a joking tone in my voice.

"Dude, we need to turn around and go home, like now." This wasn't like him at all. I mean he's like a child, he would never turn down going to a park.

"What?" I asked as he began running down the pavement back home. Even if I called Riley's house home, it never felt like the home I had with Owen and Izzy back in Calgary. I still haven't even told them what happened or that I left in the first place.

"Hurry, Noah!" He whisper shouted while turning his head. Was there police or something?

"Cody, what is wrong?"

Those were the words that could be considered a turning point to one, and an ending to another.

A/N: im actually so sorry this chapter took so long, i lost a ton of motivation and had no ideas but i am working on final chapters and the epilogue:)

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