"I just gotta see what's in that bag of his!" She spoke to herself then went to bent down and brought the bag close to her. Weslyn noticed that it wasn't heavy, so therefore his belt wasn't inside, but what is?

Weslyn went on ahead to go unzip the bag and what she saw inside seemed typical enough. A bottle of water, a bag of potato chips and a tablet.

It's no surprise that Tyler loves eating chips, it was known that he love snacking on them since  everyone on social media has mentioned about this basically everyday.

And now that there was nothing left to see, Weslyn zipped it back up and placed the backpack right near the couch like it was before.

As soon as she stood up and turned around she gasped in startled seeing Tyler standing in front of the door, staring at her with a blank expression on his face.

Weslyn placed her hands over her chest

"Jesus....You scared me...." She said as she did not expect Tyler to return back so soon. Damn he was really quiet! Did he stand there for most of the time when she was looking through his bag?

Weslyn collected herself as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear "Sorry....I was just....I'll be leaving now.." She said as she was about to go.

But Tyler blocked the door while he stood staring at her.

Weslyn glances at him, as slight confusion hit her but assumed he didn't want her to leave cause he's possibly wondering why she was looking through his belongings.

"I-I know what this looks like........It's not what you think.....I promise.....I have zero intentions of stealing your stuff.......But I promise...It won't happen again......" She explained

Tyler tilts his head to the side a bit with a confused but straight face then began taking a few steps towards her.

"I know why you're here...." He finally spoke.

Weslyn would slowly take her steps back while he was approaching her. She became dumbfounded when hearing his voice for the first time, this was the most unexpected thing he's done.

'Dear god his voice is sexy......' She thought to herself.

She was speechless and confused. Confused because of his question but also became a little nervous. Usually she was not the nervous type at all but the whole thing with Tyler speaking to her caught her off guard and very unexpected.

"W-what?........" She peeped out and felt herself gulp.

Tyler eyed her up and down then kept his attention at her face, still coming towards her with a steady pace.

"I know why you're here...." He repeated

Weslyn soon felt herself back up into the wall, realizing that she's now cornered by this young man. Her heart began racing seeing how close he is now. He rested his right hand on the wall near her head, giving her his deep stare.

"I've seen the way you look at me and purposely strut yourself around......I know what you're doing......" Tyler said in his casual, low tone.

Weslyn's heart began racing even more, this whole entire atmosphere felt intense and it hung around them strongly.

"You have?......." She asked trying to hide the tremble in her voice

"Yeah.......And I do all that I could to simply ignore you........I didn't want you to talk to a guy like me because......You don't know me......And I don't want you to.......But" he began as he shifts his eyes to her body then gazed back at her face again.

"You make it very difficult with the amount of teasing you've done......." He added.

'Shit! He's interested in me! I knew it!' Weslyn thought to herself

Tyler kept his stare on her and spoke again "Tell you what? If you dont leave, I'll give you what you came for.....If you do......I don't ever want you looking around for me again.......Not even to speak......Which would be better off that way......Don't say I didn't warn you.....I'll give you 10 seconds....."

'Now why would I want to do a dumb thing like that??......I don't want to leave! I want him to talk to me more often, I want to get to know him, I want to stay!' Weslyn thought in her head.

So, she remained in the same spot, not going anywhere and with each second, Tyler began closing the gap between them and his face leaning inch by inch to her neck, breathing softly. His left hand gently traced down, traveling to her slim waist, caressing it.

Feeling his touches made her spine quiver and felt like her knees were going weak. Weslyn slightly leaned her head back, closing her eyes.

She was receiving soft, gentle kisses on her neck from Tyler, feeling him breathing by her neck as he softly whispered against it.

"Please leave...........Please leave......"

'Ohh god.....I can't leave!!..Why is he begging me to leave??....I Don't want to........This feels good!......' She thought in her mind.

Now both of his hands were caressing her slim, warm waist, his breathing began to intensify and this made Weslyn wanting more of what he's doing.

When 10 seconds was up, all she could think of is

"Ohh dear god.........What's gonna happen now?..........'


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