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"Naruto, always remember, you have a very special power", Kushina smiled as she gently stroked her son's hair.

"What power..?" , Confused, little Naruto asked curiously.

"A power that only works on one person in this entire world, and that person will surely be your... -"

Uzumaki Naruto slowly blinked his eyes open and looked at the digital clock on his bedside desk.

It was time to wake up and get ready to go to his first day of highschool.

But before that, this particular dream was bugging him a bit.

So after getting ready, he hurried down stairs for breakfast and immediately, before anything else, decided to ask his mother, "Say mom, do you remember telling something like I'm special or something when I was a kid?"

Kushina chuckled and continued to set the table for breakfast, saying, "Oh you, of course you're a very special kid, you're my son after all"

"Don't make fun of me! I'm asking seriously here!! I totally forgot about it till today but I dreamt about it and remembered, so now it's totally bugging me. Mom~ tell me~ what's this about me having a special power~?", Naruto whined desperately, voice resounding curiosity.

"Ah, That-! More importantly, you forgot about it till now, you say?! Even though I told you repeatedly to always remember it!", Kushina said sternly.

"Even if you tell that to a 5 or 6 year old-! Of course I'll forget it!!", Naruto loudly retaliated.

"Hmm, true, I haven't bought it up for years too", Kushina said thoughtfully and sheepishly. And continued with a grin, "Well, this is actually a secret from your dad but in my family every member with a direct uzumaki bloodline has a special ability that only works on their destined person, in my case, it's the power to know exactly where he is, no matter how far away, it's kinda like a GPS really so never let him know..! It'll be so embarrassing if he knows I practically stalked him even before we met", she blushed remembering how she went around looking for him everytime she sensed him close by, sometimes going as far as to try to stay within a certain distance from him just so they end up meeting as often as possible. Truly was too embarrassing for her to even think about now, so she really wanted to take this embarrassing secret to the grave with her.

"More than the fact that you have an ESP like power, I'm surprised that you were stalking dad, mom. Now that's news to me...", Naruto said with a speechless look on his face.

"Stooop, pleaseee, you can never tell him okayyy", she whined childishly.

"we're openly talking about it in the dining room, what if he walks in on us and hears it", Naruto laughs, trying to tease her.

"Pfft, did you forget already? I always know where he is, in real time, all the time", she declared proudly.

"Ahh-! Dang, now that feels kinda convenient", Naruto said sounding impressed.

Kushina giggled and bent over the table to continue in a whisper, "you know, your grandmother, my mom, she had a wayyy more convenient power"

"What was it?", Naruto whispered right back, curiously.

"The power to know exactly what he feels", she smiled.

"Feels? Like reading mind??", Naruto tilted his head curiously.

"Not hearing the thoughts but knowing what someone's actually feeling, not as simple as it sounds, even I don't get it completely but she always knew exactly what dad was feeling. Whether it be happiness, sadness, anger, anxiety, excitement, care, affection, even love and attraction..! She always just knew exactly what he was feeling at that moment, but only when they were next to each other, or close by, so romantic right?", she said dreamily.

"Wow, so does that mean I also have a power like that? Like a location indicater or feelings rader??", Naruto asked eagerly.

"Naru-chan, why do you gotta give it such names", kushina faceplamed, "makes it sound so sci-fi", she sighed.

"More importantly, what kinda power do you think I have?!", Naruto exclaimed excitedly.

"I wonder, it could be anything, like being able to see through their clothes for all you know", she laughed out loud.

"Gross, mom! That's so dirty minded!!", Naruto scrunched up his face. Rather than at the idea of having "X-ray vision" -as he'd put it- it was the fact that he had to hear such a thing from his mother that made him feel so repulsed.

"Hahahah, I'm just joking around, I honestly don't know what it'll be either but you'll know as soon as you meet them, that they're your destiny", She smiled caringly.

"Destiny... I wonder what type of person they'll be", he wondered out loud.

"I wonder, but they'll definitely be someone, who'll love you unconditionally, so don't worry", she grinned confidently.

"Cause it's our destiny to fall in love..?", Naruto asked curiously.

"Nope, because my son is the most lovable adorable cutie pie ever! Isn't it only natural to love you unconditionally?", kushina chuckled.

"How is that even unconditional in the first place!!!", Naruto retaliated in embarrassment.

"It is, it is, anyways, don't worry about it so much, you'll know when you meet, so just wait patiently", she grinned.

"Tchhh", Naruto pouted and slowly nibbled on the food that's in front of him, which was left forgotten till now.

"Naru..? why haven't you left yet? Won't you be late?", Minato questioned clamly when he entered the dining room a little later than usual - Mainly because kushina was busy chatting with her son and forgot to wake him up for breakfast.

"Ah-", both the mother and son looked at him with similar apprehensive look on their faces.

"I'm late-!"

"You're late-!"

They exclaimed at the same time.

Naruto was late on the very first day of his highschool.

"Nooo-", He whined to himself aloud as he rushed to reach the bus stop, trying to get there at least a minute earlier.

Not even knowing that someone else too was late on that same fateful day and heading towards that same bus stop, to reach the same destination - Meiun Highschool.

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