Later, as it often happens, Antonio goes with Gina to his house, Adrianna goes with Hector to his, Aranza, to Clara and Ramon's house, and Emma to Martin's house.

At Antonio's house: Antonio tells Gina that he has to tell her something. She asks him what it is he wants to say. Antonio tells her that he talked to Isabella. He watches Gina tense. He adds that they arranged a meeting for the next day to talk about the baby. He adds that despite everything that has happened, he hopes Isabella will be reasonable enough, for the baby's sake, and avoid causing trouble.

Gina asks him around what time, they are meeting. He tells her around 10am. She seems a little quiet, so he moves closer to her, and holds up her chin, he says he has no idea, how but he will find an acceptable solution because he loves her. She says she's just a little beat because it's been a difficult week, from Aurelio's accident to, the news about Isabella's pregnancy, to the news about Aranza's harassment. He says he understands but they will get through, everything together. He then starts, kissing her, and with as much passion as he gives, she kisses him back.

At Gina, Aurelio, and Hector's house, Hector tells Adrianna, that he has something to tell her. She asks him what it is. He says that he is meeting Marianna the next day, at around, mid-morning to begin talking about the baby. Adrianna says that he should try and reach an agreement with her, for the child's sake. He says that he will and hopes Marianna, will be reasonable and mature about the situation. He puts his arms around her. He turns her to face him and begins to kiss her. Adrianna kisses him back as well.

Meanwhile, Antonio has guided Gina, to his room, and to his bed, and begins to kiss her again. She kisses him back as well.

Elsewhere, Hector and Adrianna move towards his bed, and he begins to kiss her, as they begin the natural dance of love, which is as old as time itself.

Meanwhile, Anna Patricia is in her room, she is getting ready for bed when an image of John comes to her mind. John was almost always smiling, except for when he seemed sad, over not getting better quickly, and recovering his memory. He was a jovial person, a little sad, but jovial. She says (to herself) that she will do all she could to help him.

On Saturday morning, Hector has woken up. He watches Adrianna sleep then gets his phone which was on a nearby bed table. Marianna has already called him at least twice that morning. He yawns and says to (himself) that she is crazy. He then adds that (still to himself) that if this is how she (Marianna) is behaving during the first week, he can only imagine, how much stress she will put him(Hector) and the baby under in the coming years.

Meanwhile, Armando, Luisa, Clara, Aranza, and Ramon are preparing to go to the hospital to pick up Aurelio. Armando and Luisa go to get his parents. He asks his mother, where Anna Patricia is. She says she has gone to run a few errands but will meet up with Gina later, and they will go to visit John. Clara watches her son's reaction to the news and asks him, why he looks so suspicious at the news. Armando looks at his mother, questioningly. He knows she is very sneaky and has a feeling that she is upto something as usual. He asks her what he is upto with his sister.

Clara looks at him, then says that she and Anna Patricia are not upto anything. Armando looks at her suspiciously and asks her why he encourages Anna Patricia, to visit John in the mental hospital.

Clara says that because, she feels sorry for him, and what he has been through, from whatever tragic accident he underwent to losing his memory, and sanity, and spending most of his productive life in a mental health facility. She adds that John is clearly in need of contact with people who are not part of his medical team.

Armando says that he understands her (Clara)'s desire to help, but he doesn't understand what his sister has to do with it. Clara says she doesn't have the energy to go there often, but Anna Patricia does. Noticing the unbelieving look on her son's face, she waves him away and says that he should stop being dramatic, because she is not an ogre, and she would not put her daughter, in danger. Clara adds that it is not like his sister is being forced to do anything against her will.

Luisa smiles, her mother-in-law is truly one of a kind. She can sense Clara is upto her usual tricks. She says (to herself) that Clara is upto something, and she would not be surprised if it involved making John and Anna Patricia a couple. Armando adds that it is his sister's eager willingness to go and visit John that worries him. He adds that they could become close and fall in love.

He then keenly observes her and asks her, if that was her plan all along. Clara waves him away and says that he is being dramatic. She adds that Anna Patricia is a grown-up and can handle her own affairs and they should trust her judgment regardless of whatever she decides. Armando says that as much as he wants his sister to find love, John is not the man for her, because of his story.

He adds that there are many possibilities, from John getting worse, to him forgetting her if he recovers his memory, to him deciding to remain with his wife if he had one, to evil step-children, to complicated family dynamics, none of which he wants his sister, to get involved in. Clara tells him to relax, and take one step at a time.

She adds that she will tell him the same thing she told Martin and Aurelio, that he should stop being so negative because the doctors have a good prognosis on John's recovery. She adds that he is getting ahead of himself. Armando says that he will watch both her and Anna Patricia closely, and then asks where his father and Aranza are. Clara says that they are both getting ready.

Meanwhile, Antonio is at the restaurant, he was to meet Isabella at. It is around 10am. He is sitting, and browsing his phone. A half-full bottle of soda is open on the table. He feels like a lamb that is about to go into a slaughterhouse.

Meanwhile, Gina and Anna Patricia are at the mental hospital visiting John.

Armando, Aranza, Luisa, Ramon, and Clara are at the hospital. That day is the day, Aurelio gets released from the hospital. They are with him in the room, when Emma, Adrianna, and Martin come in. Aurelio asks when the doctor is coming because he is bored of staying in the hospital. Luisa tells him that the release papers are being brought, and soon enough they will take him home.

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