But now that the battle was over, she could now safely think of the thoughts that she held for the Spar that she held against her Future Son-In-Law

Kallen: ' How did he used Balance Breaker? He has low Magical Reserves even when he started to train to make it bigger, his Magical Reserves is still that of a Mid-Class Entity, then how did he? ' That was something that bothered her while fighting Issei

Issei always held a Small Magical Reserves to the point that he wouldn't even be able to used the most basic of Magic Spells like Teleportation, it's pretty much the reason why she couldn't helped but respect Issei's Physical Abilities and Skills in Manipulating Mana 

Since despite Issei's low Magical Reserves, what he does have is Immense Control over said Magical Reserves, that control was enough to be able to Enhanced his Own Strength to a new Level

Since if Issei were to used his Full Physical Abilities without any Augmentation from either Mana and his Boosted Gear, he could level a whole building by his own Physical Abilities, and when he augments himself with Mana, he could fight even Upper End of  the High Class Entities, and then add in his Boosted Gear he could fight those of the Low End Ultimate Class after a Boost 

And by the power of the Balance Breaker, she was sure that Balance Breaker would confused more Energy as well to maintain, but seeing that they were able to fight for about 5 minutes, she was sure that Balance Breaker needed a Powerful Source 





Kallen suddenly widen her eyes in shocked at that thought 

Kallen: ' Could it be Ki?! Bu-But why?! Didn't I tell him that using Ki is a Dangerous Act!! He could have died if he lost his Ki once more! ' She thought understandably angry of the prospect of using such a dangerous method to power his own Balance Breaker 

Ki, unlike Mana, can't be refilled, for if you used Ki as an Attacked or Source of Fuel for something, it will never recover

The Day you used Ki in an Attacked or Source of Fuel for something, you will never ever recover that Ki again

That's why there's so little people who used Ki, for they fear that they will there lives if they used to much of it

Since Ki is the very Life Force itself, for the day you lost you Ki, shall be the day you will die, for not even The Evil Pieces or even the Gods of Death or Life could resurrect a person that has lost there Ki

For that reason, she was both angry and scared, she was angry that Issei was using Ki in such a dangerous way just for a temporary boost in power, but she is also scared that Issei will die, she grown to care for the boy as her own Son in a way

It's why she wants Bianka to marry Issei, so that she will have a Grandkids to spoil and pamper, while also having a Son 

But above all, If Issei were to die, many people will be sad of such an Event were to occur, the ones that came in her mind being the saddest, is either his own Parents or Bianka

Worse above all, she can't even sense Issei's Ki

For that's one of the few benefits of using Ki, you wouldn't know how much Ki a person has and how Powerful ones Ki Empowered Attacks would be, which is troublesome, since Ki empowered attacks are very Powerful, since in terms of Quality of Energy, Ki would be the most Dense and highest Quality Energy there is, for even a dropped of Ki to empower ones Physical Power is large in Power 

Since a Person can can only Sense that an Individual has Ki, but not be able to sense how much Ki one has

As for Issei himself, his whole Sword was completely destroyed, with both of his arms being damaged, but of course thanks to his Regenerative Healing Factor being Evolved and Stronger than before, his broken body was healing quite fast

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