Every strength in me was sapping out with pain all over my body, but it wasn't compared to what I felt in my heart as I knocked on their door and was ushered in to see Torian and Sophia, his new girlfriend, cuddling together under the duvet.

I had been made a slave, and Torian was now staying in the Royal Pack House with his new mate. It was morning, and I was the first to wake up so as to sweep the entire building, wash the plates used last night, and cook before they all wakes up.

I'm here to sweep their room, and the way they cuddled each other ripped my heart. I wasn't allowed to accept the rejection, so now I'm faced with the immeasurable pain of seeing him with another lady as his mate. But what happened last night is something I can't understand.

Something strange seemed to be forming inside me.

I could still recall all that happened yesterday, and the thought couldn't stop banging in my head confusions, and causing shudders to run through my spine at the fear of what my life might turn into.

It was like an illusion, yet it was happening in reality. I wasn't what I thought I was. Yes I don't think I am a normal wolf.

Just suddenly, last night, I had noticed the pain that had swept through my whole body vanish, and all weakness and fear had suddenly left me. Not just that, I also felt an intense craving to kill instead of crying and shivering like the weakling I had always been.

That day when they brought me to the Alpha to be killed for saving the vampire would have been my last day on earth, but Sophia had made them spare my life to make me a slave instead.

I was thrown into the dungeon, which had a pungent smell that made me throw up regularly. They had told me that would be my apartment for days, the place where I would stay as my room. I was fed, but eating was so hard as the bad smell mixed up with the food, causing my belly to churn as all appetite vanished immediately, but I knew deep down in me that there was something my body was longing for, and that was fresh blood.

It was just a day I was kept in the dungeon, yet it seemed like a year and I prayed for death because of how bad the place was. Every minute, I ask the moon goddess to take my life, but it seems she has fated me to suffer terribly before death.

Sophia and Torian had visited me in the dungeon last night to taunt and torture me, but what they never knew was that some strange inner energy was spreading through my veins to my heart. I really felt the true depth of every hit, but I couldn't cry. Instead, I grit my teeth and clenched my fist with groans and heavy breaths.

Yes, I should be crying and rolling on the floor as usual while they bash me, but that wasn't what happened last night. I was absorbing the pain with my heart was filled with rage. I was suddenly feeling extremely furious, and that made my blood run hot through my veins, making my heart become very heavy and swelled up. I only wished I wasn't chained so I could kill Torian and Sophia instantly with the surge of power spreading through my system.

I knew the powers were from the second beast inside me, but I couldn't control it either.

The urge was so strong that I sagged my head down and clenched my teeth, wondering what I was turning into. Before last night, I was a weak wolf who had never thought of killing anyone nor drinking blood, and had never had the heart to hurt anyone. How did I get such a strong desire to pierce their hearts and drink their blood?

"Lola, I can feel a beast rising inside you!" My little wolf had screamed back then, and I truly realized for real that something was forming inside me.

The new creature was a beast that craved blood and appeared so powerful that it was taking over my mind and brain. Once in my life, I felt so strong that I wanted to rush at them and tear their bodies apart. I can't tell you how, but last night, I almost killed Sophia and Torian, if and only if I wasn't chained with strong shackles.

They had chained me so I wouldn't run, but little did they know I would have killed everyone if I was freed a bit last night. It was all from the powers that emanated from the strange beast.

But on waking up this morning, I found out I must have been dreaming as all ferocious ability from the strange beast had disappeared like it was never there. I am back to my normal self, fretting and feeling my heart shattered at the rejection of my mate.

I couldn't equally feel any other beast in me except my wolf.

It hurt so much to see Sophia lying on his chest while he stroked her hair. The face of Torian was bringing back the past, those memories when we were together and admired by everyone. I was seen as a Luna in school because everyone assumed we were mates, but in the blink of an eye, I had turned into a slave; turned into that lady everyone scorns and despises from the bottom of their hearts, all because of a single act to save that vampire who might have forgotten me.

My eyes flashed at the mirror hanging on the wall, and I felt like my heart was stabbed and seared with intense pain as I saw how dirty I was. My brown hair was disheveled and scattered around my face, soiled with dirts that made it stick together. I could see my bulging eyes turning reddish due to having had a sleepless night filled with the pain.

There was no doubt I looked scary and malnourished. My body had a bad smell that irritated me. Not only had I not bathed since yesterday, I had stayed inside the dungeon, which was a place so stinking.

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