Chapter 8

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I've never been afraid to meet parents. Granted, I had never met the parents of someone I was interested in, of someone I wanted to grow a future with, and never quite under these circumstances.

Parents had always loved me growing up. I was always the pup that came from a good family - the Beta family. I was the good influence, the one that had been the tattle tail that parents had appreciated and my friends had despised. I had been the one with the good head on my shoulders, the parents everyone wanted their children to be friends with.

However, knowing all of those things would never settle the nerves that formed in the pit of my stomach.

Grayson's parents wanted to meet me. They wanted to see who the Moon Goddess had promised their son to, and they were about to be disappointed.

Yeah, with that attitude, I can't imagine they'd like you very much. Kita muttered and I rolled my eyes - mentally.


That would be the correct definition.

I huffed a sigh, the sleepiness from the car turning into fear.

"I'm sorry," Grayson whispered into my ear as he guided me through the garage door into a very, very large kitchen. I'd have to come back and admire it when I wasn't freaking the fuck out.

His hand hovered over the center of my back, not quite touching me. Every muscle was taut, and his jaw clenched so hard I was a little worried he would break his teeth.

I wasn't sure what to make of his reaction. Did he not want them to meet me? Did he know that this wouldn't work?

I hesitated a step when I heard the voices coming from the next room. Grayson's hand brushed against my back and I tensed, his body turning into me, head lowering to be closer to my ear.

"I wanted you to be more settled, more comfortable before meeting them," he whispered, allowing that fleeting insecurity to disappear. "They never seem to listen though. I'm really sorry."

I wanted to reassure him that it was okay, that I wasn't upset with him, but the only thing I could focus on was that I could disappoint them, disappoint Grayson. For the first time since arriving, I wanted to run. It was taking everything in me to not turn for the door, to not go cower in a corner.

I didn't want to do this. There were a lot of things I could handle. I knew I had endured more than the average human or wolf could, but I couldn't handle rejection. If they didn't want me, what would I do? Where would I go? I had no family, no pack, and I refused to go back to Silver Crescent.

"Sweetheart." Grayson stopped us, stepping in front of me and placing his hands on my shoulders. "Kristin, you're shaking. Hey, it's okay." Words kept falling from Grayson's mouth as he took another step towards me, his boots knocking against my tennis shoes.

Before I could comprehend what he was doing, his arms slowly slipped around my shoulders as he pulled me close. My face connected with his chest, his chin resting on top of my head, and I froze, only for a moment before I caved. With a sigh, I rested my forehead between his pecs, inhaling deeply.

All the nerves dissipated and I counted his heartbeats, noting how it got faster. His palms moved over my shoulder blades, resting between them as he rubbed soothing circles.

"I really am sorry. This isn't how I wanted you to meet them." His fingers massaged at the muscle connecting my neck and shoulder. "They are the best people I know, they just suck at boundaries." He had made his voice light, playful as he kept soothing me.

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