Chapter 13: All Long, Having An Interesting Today (wit)Hout Anything Murderous

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Also the original title is 
Chapter 13: All (a)Long, Having (been) An Interesting Today (wit)Hout Anything Murderous, but it was too long ehe-

Third Person PoV:

Lumine later woke up that night, starving as Aether, Gorou, and Heizou fetched her and the rest of the injured dinner.

All of them except Amber and Collei were cleared for class, and none of them heard anything about the attacks on Wednesday or Thursday, and by the time they knew it, it was the last day of the first week of the school year.

"Well, how about it, brother?" Lumine said during algebra that morning. "Already solved a murder case, and the year's barely started!"

"We have quite the year ahead, don't we," he said, smiling lightly, beginning the math classwork for the day.

"Yes, we do," she said, grinning brightly despite the dark events that had taken place.

A/N YAYYYY WE'RE DONE WITH THE ATTACK DRAMA FOR THE MEANTIME!!! ;D If I ever continue this story arc, it won't be for a while. Now, we focus on interesting school stuff with hopefully some good in-game references.

Lumine yawned. "What are we gonna do over the weekend?" she said, stretching her arms tiredly.

"I'm helping Yoimiya, Gorou, and Thoma make an AI robot in tech," Aether recalled. "I need to watch some videos on mechanics and programming."

"That's boooooring," Lumine groaned. "Let's play a prank on someone."

"Isn't that what got us expelled last school year?"

"You got expelled?" Kazuha asked incredulously, finishing his math work with a flourish of his pencil.

"Third time in a row!" Lumine said proudly, snapping her fingers. Kazuha's eyes widened, not daring to say anything. By the time algebra had gone by, she'd only ended up finishing half the classwork, while everyone at her table had finished the whole worksheet.

Biology sped by, as Tighnari wasn't explaining his aranara and forestry anymore, and they were refocusing on human anatomy. In combat, both twins luckily did not get beat up, but they did feel beat up in P.E. when their teacher made them run three miles.

"I am going to kill our P.E. teacher," Lumine groaned at lunch, trying almond tofu for the first time. "Huh, this tastes pretty good."

Aether had ordered golden crab, and the twins were sharing the meal, since they had paid extra for the "luxury" food item.

"Hey, the combat tryouts or whatnot are after school today, right?" Aether clarified, taking a satisfying bite of his food.

"Yeah. Are any of you guys gonna come watch?" Gorou replied, looking around their table.

"I mean, a good amount of us are actually going to be trying out," Xingqiu said, closing a book he had just finished. It seemed to be a sword art instruction guide.

"Wait, who's trying out here?" asked Lumine.

Kazuha, Gorou, Xingqiu, Xiao, and Ayaka raised their hands. "Oh, that's quite a bit. We're totally coming," Lumine exclaimed, rubbing her hands with excitement. "Can't wait!"

"More like can't wait to see one of us get beat up," Kazuha muttered under his breath.

Lumine was extremely chipper in art, annoying Albedo and teasing Childe carefully, still having her doubts about La Signora's death. Heizou had investigated and all had claimed to only know that she had her hands in something, but none were personally involved nor knew the true situation.

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