Chapter 2: Around Magic But Everyone's Rowdy

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A/N What was I doing with this title...

Third Person POV

Teyvat High was impressive to say the least, reminding the siblings of buildings they'd learned in history class that were called 'domains'. It was a large, rectangular building made of stone bricks, and that was simply the front, which was the administrative section and the location of the auditorium. Behind it was the straight path to the high school division, a path to the left toward the elementary division, and the right was a path to the middle school division.

And boy was there more. Anywhere that wasn't paved was soft, luscious grass with blooming, radiant flowers along the edges. There were a few bushes that were trimmed to look like animals.

"Hey, they changed that one from a dog to a tanuki-shaped bush," Thoma complained as they got past the elegantly curved silver gates.

Gorou wrinkled his nose. "Tanuki are just mischievous up-to-no-good raccoon dogs," he said bitterly. "Sometimes they raid the trash can at my house."

Aether noticed a sly glint in Yoimiya's gold-orange eyes. His eyes widened when she shouted, "Last one to the auditorium's a rotten egg!"

Everyone shared a look for half a second before chasing after her, but she'd gained a large lead with her roller skates, sliding on the smooth pavement easily like she was ice skating.

"This isn't fair! You're using roller skates!" Lumine hollered at her. Despite the roller skates, Gorou was right behind her, and Lumine was just at his tail, quite literally so that if she wanted, she could yank on his light brown fluffy tail. Luckily for Gorou, she didn't.

Aether was behind Lumine, Kazuha was right behind him, and Thoma was two meters behind Kazuha.

"Slow poke!" Lumine taunted Thoma, sticking her tongue out at him playfully, which only made him more determined to the point that he passed both Kazuha and Aether. "And Aether! If you get last, you're a disgrace to our family."

"Hey!" Aether protested, speeding up his pace just to pass Kazuha, who seemed pretty content to stay in last place.

In roughly twenty seconds, they had reached the auditorium entrance that was decorated with colored banners that represented each element. Yoimiya had already been waiting for them, having reached another twenty seconds earlier.

"Let's go!" Yoimiya exclaimed, beckoning for them and hurrying inside the auditorium. "We have to get front seats!"


They did, surprisingly, get front seats. Two minutes after they had saved spots for themselves, Kokomi, and Ayaka, the auditorium was flooded with buzzing students who rushed to the front. Ayaka and Kokomi found them and took the seats they'd saved for them.

"So why'd we choose the far right seats instead of the middle?" Aether whispered-asked to Thoma.

"'Cause then we can get to the front desk the fastest for our schedules and dorm rooms," Thoma replied smugly. "And if we're in the middle, we're sitting ducks. The front desk is behind the auditorium, past those two doors next to the stage, see?" He pointed to two large light-blue doors in the front of the auditorium.

"Attention all students! Please make your way to a seat so we may start orientation!" A loud, booming voice said through a speaker. A man in a rich dark brown coat made his way to the middle front of the stage.

A/N Okay, so originally, I was going to make Zhongli a student. But then my friends went, "HE'S A TEACHER!!!" so that's been changed... so sorry if y'all wanted to see Zhongli as a senior, but that's not happening ;-;

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