Chapter 7: Happy Events (are) Incoming... Z (I)OU

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A/N These titles, aiya... If you haven't noticed by now, there is a reason behind each chapter name ;)

Lumine Third Person PoV ~

They had gotten back to the dorms at an amazing time of 11:00 P.M. Lumine had had a terrible sleep filled with nightmares, but had ended her night with a dream about kittens right before she had to wake up.

Unfortunately for her kitten dream, Kokomi had woken her up by shaking her shoulders. "Where's Amber?" she asked, her gradient blue-pearl eyes concerned. "I just knocked on her door and she isn't here."

Lumine rubbed her eyes tiredly. "Mmm... oh, Amber? She's in Dr. Baizhu's office."

Kokomi blinked slowly. "And why is that?"

"She got sla- she got a bit injured during the Opening Festival. When she was putting away the fireworks that Yoimiya hadn't used," Lumine lied, hoping that there weren't any holes in her fib.

Kokomi narrowed her eyes at her. "You're lying."

Lumine mentally facepalmed, realizing she should have feigned confusion and said she didn't know anything. "What do you mean? That's what I heard."

Kokomi tapped her right temple. "Amber wasn't part of the clean-up team. And she said she had to speak to Mr. Zhongli before school started, so she left the rest of us. You had no way of knowing that."

Lumine frantically tried to find another excuse. "Amber told me before the Opening Festival."

Kokomi looked even less convinced. "Sure. And you're exhibiting three signs of lying. One, you're not keeping any eye contact and looking away to the right. Second, you're fidgeting with your fingers, a sign of nervousness. And third, you normally don't talk like this."

Lumine sighed. "Fine, fine. Amber's hosting a surprise birthday party for you, okay?"

"My birthday is in February, Lumine." Kokomi put two fingers on her forehead in a facepalm. "I have a note to deliver to you anyway. It's about Amber, so that's why I asked."

She slid a small piece of paper out of her pocket and handed it to her. "You're off to the administration building." Kokomi looked around the room for a few seconds. "You need to put a clock in your room. It's 6:30 A.M., by the way. Breakfast is at 7."

"No wonder I feel like my brain's been chewed by a giant hamster," Lumine replied, examining the note. "Huh, okay."

Kokomi left her room after that, and Lumine let out a large exhale when she realized Kokomi still didn't know what happened to Amber. She guessed that Kokomi didn't want to press too far.

"Administration building it is."


She entered and went straight to an elevator, the note instructing her to head to the third floor. After she left, she went to the third door on the right to find-

"Hey, what are you doing here?" She demanded when she saw Aether sitting on a cushioned chair in front of a dark oak desk. There was another identical to it, and sitting behind the desk was a... kid.

Well, a boy that looked like a highschooler. But Lumine was puzzled why a highschooler was sitting at a desk that looked like it was fit for staff.

He was wearing a white tank-top with a loose dark yellow jacket on his shoulders, and had maroon-oak hair with a streak of black that framed the left side of his face, tied up in a short ponytail similar to Kazuha's. Sharp hazel green eyes stared at her as he tapped his fingers together, adding attention to the dark gray fingerless gloves he was wearing.

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