I Lost My Way

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"What an idiot." Liam commented. "Why the hell would he leave her for the other chick?"

I couldn't fight this smile; hearing Liam making comments on a movie that he had promised he wasn't paying attention to was cute. He was in the process of writing out apology notes for everyone he'd bullied and was already on his second pack of notecards, which was both sad and bittersweet. I could see as he looked over last year's yearbook the sad looks that passed through his eyes when he realized just how many people he was a jerk too.

"Because the other girl is prettier and skinner, and he feels more comfortable being seen with her then the main character. Kind of like me and Nicola."

Liam quirked a brow as he threw a curious look over his shoulder. "Do you really believe that?"

"I'm not insecure, not really." I answered indirectly. "But when it comes to me being put beside Nicola, I can guarantee you and Jay, and the rest of the team would choose her over me. It's just the unfortunate truth and what society wants to see."

Liam laughed at the response, shaking his head. "Jay had the chance to choose her over and over, and who'd he end up choosing, Reese?"

I hardly had enough time to think about it before he continued.

"And I'd choose you over and over again before I'd ever go to Nic, Reese. She is, as you said, the same heartless, plastic Barbie doll that society has crafted her to be. You, you're real."

I almost defended Nicola against the harsh words. She wasn't at all that, but it was the façade she wore and seemed content in the false skin.

I never got the chance to give him a response. Just as I looked toward him again a loud clap of thunder that sent me half way off the couch cut the power. I heard Liam laugh despite not being able to see how scared I was. I touched the arm of the couch multiple times before I found my phone. Switching on the flashlight I swerved around Liam at my feet and grabbed a few candles from the hallway closet. Once I'd dug a lighter from the junk drawer in the kitchen, I lit one and set it on the kitchen table. I carried the other two in either arm and set them down on the coffee table in front of Liam. He quickly jumped to his feet and sat on the couch as I walked back around the table to join him, flopping down with a dramatic groan.

"I'm sure this isn't how you planned on spending your night." I said, smiling a little.

He grabbed the stack of notecards from the table and nodded. "I just wanted a distraction and to get a head start on the next Play. Don't be too hard on yourself."

Liam started to reach out as if he were going to touch my hand then decided against it and started to rifle through the cards.

I was so lost in my own abyss of thoughts that when the door knob turned my heart was in my throat. Liam, also on guard, stood and stared, looking ready to pounce. Both of us sighed in relief when my very wet mother stumbled in, shaking the hood of her sunflower raincoat off. She was clutching to big white bags with familiar Thai writing down the sides. My mouth started watering at the very thought of Dim Sum.

"Oh, hello, Liam!" my mom didn't notice us until she'd shaken off her wet jacket and draped it over the back of one of the kitchen chairs. This left her in her bland pink scrubs, the food now on the table beside her. "I didn't know you'd be here tonight."

"It was kind of a last minute decision." Liam crossed the room and for a moment I thought he was going to extend his hand for her to shake, but was surprised when my mother stepped forward and hugged him. She looked so small and frail against his frame it made me question if I looked like that when I was in his arms. Deciding it was weird and creepy for me to keep staring I headed for the food, grinning.

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