Bite Me, Kitten

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I pried my head from the cold window as the car slowed to a stop. We'd most definitely driven up a hill, but anytime I tried to ask Liam where we were going, he'd only shrug a shoulder without saying a word. Adjusting my body so I was completely upright, my lips parted in surprise. The truck was sitting atop a hill looking out over the entire city. Being up this high, it looked like a small diorama of millions of little buildings illuminated by little lights.

"Beautiful, no?" Liam asked, turning the key in the ignition. I listened to the loud engine lower to a purr before dying out completely before looking from the beautiful city to the boy next to me.

"Why did you drive all the way to my house to pick me up at three in the morning to bring me here?"

"As I said," he opened his door. "I know a fellow insomniac when I see one."

He hopped outside and shut the door in my face before I could ask him to elaborate a bit more. Seconds later my door was thrown open and I was met with a brisk breeze that nipped at my cheeks-and nearly met my demise against the dirt path beneath Liam's white sneakers. He started laughing, pinching the still very much fastened seatbelt between his fingers. I shot him a dark look and unbuckled myself, then fell back against the seat with a grimace.

"Come on." He offered a hand, the smile wavering. "I'm sorry, you just actually thought you were going to fall."

I swatted his hand away and jumped down on my own, starting to stomp away from him and toward the bed of the truck before I came to the conclusion I had no idea where I was or what I was doing. Liam must have picked up on my uncertainty because he opened the tailgate of the silver truck before pushing his hands down to give him enough leverage to hop into the back of it. Even with his Letterman on I could feel the cold trying its hardest to attack my weakest points; being anemic and trudging through the winters here were brutal. I usually had to wear my jacket and slipper-socks to sleep and three blankets on top of that.

"You good, Reese?" Liam looked over his shoulder from where he was crouched in front of a large rectangular case. "You know, I heard cuddling can—"

"Nope." I waved my finger in front of his face. "Remember what I said about the comments, Liam."

He looked ready to roll his eyes, but dropped his amused look back to the case once more before standing, a couple folded blankets in his arms. He walked to the end of the bed and dropped the smaller of the two into my unexpectant arms before laying out the second one. A large USC throw that couldn't have been cheap. He then took the second blanket back from me and set it toward the cab of the truck, returning once more, but this time jumped over the edge of the truck and made his way back to me. I crossed my arms, eyeing him, then the truck, with a confused look.

"What are you doing, Liam?"

"We are going to try and get warm, Reese. Come on."

I tried to protest, but he picked me up and set me on the tailgate before I could get as much as a breath out, joining me a minute or so later. I watched him fall down deeper into the bed of the truck, opening the case once more and coming back with a sharing size bag of M&M's in his hand. My stomach deceived my heart and mind and I found myself making my way to him and snatching the candy from him, not immune to the taunting look he was shooting me.

"You just drove me out here to fatten me up so you can eat me." I grumbled, tearing the bag open, sneaking a quick look at the jock to my left. In the dim light of the moon, his eyes were a haunting grey, nothing like piercing blues that sent shockwaves through every person he laid eyes on in the halls at school.

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