Difficulty Leve; Hard

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Spending Thursday afternoon watching a bunch of hot, shirtless, but unfortunately extremely sweaty guy tossing a ball around definitely beat the alternative to having to spend the evening listening to my parents arguing. Jay had insisted I let him take me on a date before the game tomorrow so I wouldn't feel so out of place. That meant I'd have to wait for him on the bleachers until the end of practice. I'd tried to talk Brianna into joining me, but she and Bryan had to go visit their Great Aunt in the hospital before she passed, so I'd been left on my own. The first ten minutes were enjoyable; I got to watch half the football team run laps shirtless, but once they started practicing plays, I'd lost interest and pulled out a book and laid across the red bleacher beneath me.

"Should I be offended you'd rather read a book than watch me?" Jay joked, rubbing his hair dry with a black towel with the school logo stitched into the corner on his way to me. "Am I not a good enough source of entertainment for you?"

I tapped my finger along my chin as I sat up, pretending to think about it. "Meh. You're just a nice piece of eye candy."

He chuckled, throwing the towel over his bare shoulder. He was still shirtless, and my eyes wandered to the faint outline of a six pack along his lower abdomen. Jay immediately caught my chin with his finger and forced my chin up so I was looking into his teasing eyes. "My eyes are up here, babe."

I could feel warmth creeping into my cheeks but my embarrassment was quickly replaced with shock when Jay leaned forward and kissed me. It wasn't anything spectacular, just a peck, but it made my lips tingle as he pulled away.

"Get a room!" Andy tackled his teammate from behind, knocking Jay into me so I fell back into the bleacher behind me. Jay shoved Andy playfully before helping me back to my feet.

"You're one to talk, man." Jay responded as led me off the bleachers and on to the grass. "You're making out with Brianna every time I pass you in the hallway."

I smiled at that. Jay was right. Brianna had been gushing to me about it for the last two days, and it had made me so incredibly happy.

"So where are you two lovebirds headed?" Andy asked, draping his other arm over my shoulder with a grin. "Anywhere special?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" It was Liam, who was just a shirtless as his teammates, his hand buried in his hair as he approached us, flexing his bicep. I quickly looked away before my eyes could wander his toned body the way it had Jay's.

Jay's smile dropped the second Liam was in front of us. "You need something, man?"

"I do, actually." Liam nodded in my direction. "Where are you taking her?"

Jay snorted. "Why the hell do you need to know? What's it to you?"

"Bryan and I need to know where you're taking her, bro."

Add that to the list of things I never thought I'd hear in the same sentence.

"It's none of your business, Scott." Jay laced his fingers through me, and when he saw my eyes flicker to his bare upper body, he laughed, "Don't worry, I have a clean shirt in the car."


I had to hand it to Jay, he was sneaky. His idea of a date was to take me to a college game so I wouldn't feel like a total idiot as his game tomorrow. More surprising was the fact that I actually enjoyed his joking commentating and learned some more football lingo. By the time we were headed back for the car, a permanent smile had etched its way on to my face and wouldn't drop.

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