"Well, I'm happy I could show you how it should feel" I pull her closer to me.

She goes to speak again but my eyes can't focus on anything but her lips. Out of impulse I immediately kiss her, feeling the smooth surface of her lips press against mine.

It isn't supposed to be too much however she moves her hand up to hold my face slowly slipping her tongue in and I can't help but respond by tugging on her urging her to sit up and straddle me.

"You wanna know what's better than sex and getting high?" She asks in between kisses.

"Hm?" I mumble too caught up in her taste to think.

"Fucking while high" She pulls away leaving me wanting more.

"If you're implying that you want to fuck me while high then by all means" I look up at her while she plays with the curls on my head.

I'm happy she's actually attracted to my hair, I used to be called a cabbage patch kid in elementary school and middle school, and even some of high school.

Thankfully once I grew my hair past my ears it started becoming something that every girl was attracted to which was great because In high school I finally grew out of my emotionally unavailable behavior.

Losing your mom at a young age right in front of your eyes can do some detrimental damage.

Alex was my closest friend and he was my support system through the entire thing. If I didn't have him I probably wouldn't be here right now laying next to the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

"If you're down for it then I won't deny" She sits up.

"Whatever you want I want times 10" I whisper to her with a slight smile.

She takes that as her cue to lean into me and smash her lips into mine, kissing me like it's the last time I'll see her.

My thoughts are clouded but they defog seconds later leaving me back in my anxiety-driven mind and causing me to pull away.

"Are you okay?" Kimani asks and I nod lying my ass off.

Slowly and slowly as the day I'm dreading most approaches the more worked up I get.

I think Kimani notices that because she begins to lay back.

"Maybe sex isn't the best idea for right now"
She gives me a soft smile before reaching to hold my hand.

"Sorry" I slightly apologize, I don't want her to feel away as if I don't care or I'm not interested because I am.

"Don't apologize it's okay" She squeezes my hand.

"Are you kinda sleepy? We can sleep if you want" She offers and I shake my head.

"We can but I'd prefer to get to know better" I stare at her.

"What do you wanna know then? Ask away" She smiles kindly.

"Hmm, why do you cheer?" I've always wondered why, since I've laid my eyes on Kimani she's always put so much time energy, and effort into it and I wondered why.

"Because I enjoy it-" She starts but I cut her off.

"Bull" I slightly laugh.

"What do you mean bull" She slightly laughs and I side-eye her.

"You know what I mean Kimani, be honest with me" I stare at her with complete seriousness.

"Why do you play football? I know you don't enjoy men tackling you every ten seconds" She squints at me, hitting me with my question I see.

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