What are you..

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Travis was walking. It was pitch black. He felt eyes all around him watching him very closely. He looked up. And seen a flash of the demon. Its glowing red eyes. The eye contact made him feel like he was being suffocated.

He tried to run, But it followed. And the workd turned red. Travis couldnt breath. And he was slowly dying. But then he woke up. It was still dark but he had passed out on his front lawn. He felt a huge pain on his hip and lifted his shirt. There was a huge cut in his side. It was really bad. And bleeding alot. He didnt remeber this happening. Who did this?

Travis got up and stumbled in his house. His father wasnt home since He was gone for that "church thing" For the week.

He stumbled up the stairs and into his bathroom. He was gonna shower and clean the cut two im one. He got his clothes off and got in the shower and it hurt. It hurt bad. His fingers shaking and legs wobbling. Travis noticed there were cuts on his ankles. And there were big opened wounds on his back but that was there already. They still hurt though. Travis held back tears while he cleaned himself up and then changed. He didnt like the idea of being alone. Not when hes been waking up like this. Or passing out randomly. Or being taunted by some fucking red eyed demon thats fucking terrifying.

He had sals number, he could call sal. Ask him to come over. But was scared too. Everything in his body hurt it felt like he had been hit by a bus.

He sighed and picked up the phone.

Your my missing home..//Salvis fanfic!//Where stories live. Discover now