Become one of thee

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Travis had gotten up from his bed. The redness that began to seep past his brown skin on his face was a light red. He immediately began to get dressed as he knew he had to attend school.

He felt guilty, like he wanted to cry. He wanted to shame himself for ever thinking this way. He couldnt.

Travis grabbed his bag as he held back tears. The guilt made him wanna puke. But nothing was in his system to puke up at all. He found himself walking downstairs. His father sitting at the dining room table. Travis didnt like the energy that he had been feeling as he stepped down each steps. As soon as he got down the stairs he walked to the door. He didnt wanna bother his father and wanted to leave as quickly as he could.

"Travis." Kenneth said. Turning to face him. Travis did aswell. Leaning his back against the door.

"Happy birthday son." He said sternly.
Travis froze out of pure confusion. Oh. It was his birthday.'

"I wanna discuss something with you. Since you have finally reached this age i want you too know something. And you will now be apart of it."
Kenneth stood.
"Apart of what?" Travis was confused. What could he be apart of.

"I am the leader. The leader of the dark. I took all the darkness in this town and swollowed it. I am the darkness. And soon.. way after i am dead. You will be the next darkness. Devours of god. Devoted to god. Not in a religious sense my boy. I am taking over. I will become one with the evil and good and become of both. Do you understand?" Kenneth said.

Travis nodded quickly "yes sir.."

"And you are familiar with this correct? you took my books. My files."

"Yes sir."

"Very well then. I need those back. After school your initiation will happen. You will have no choice. Do you understand? this is permanent." His voice raised.

"Yes father." Travis said. His hands trembling. He had to face something he didnt want too. Something terrible.

Now, school.

Your my missing home..//Salvis fanfic!//Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz