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Travis phelps. That name was made by a man, a man named kenneth phelps. At the time the name was chosen, kenenth was sitting next to his wife while holding her stomach. They had talked over a few names but in that moment they agreed on travis.

Rena (travs moms name) Didnt know what was coming. She didnt know her husband would change completely a few years later. But she would be soon to find out. Once travis was born, they had good moments. Up until the age five for travis, it all was good!. He had no problems with kenenth though ofcourse the christianity already being shoved down his throat. But that was about it.

But things were quick to change. Kenneth soon became very abusive. The man we grew to know. Travis changed alot after that. And man it got heavy from then on. Travis being beaten, and once travis wore something kenneth didnt like kenneth fucked travis up.

About a week after kenneth did that. He beat the shit out of rena. He got so tired of her, how slow she was mainly. But also how she would "baby" Travis after the beatings. He thought doing so would make travis to grow up feminine and gay. And boy oh boy he hated the sound of that.

One day in the kitchen he was finally fed up. So fed up with his wife after beating her. He got annoyed and screamed at her to shut up while she was crying. She did not do as he said. That wasnt a good move in kenneths eyes so then he grabbed a knife from out the strainer on the nice marbled kitchen counter. He then proceeded to get close to her. He made eyecontact with her, and he was well aware that travis was standing there. Maybe if travis saw, he would become more manly and amune to this type of shit. Well thats what kenneth was thinking atleast. He then stabbed her. Then slitting her throat with a quick slice. He watched her try and stop him before slitting it. But he had done it, she was dead obviously. He watched her struggle. His red eyes glowing down at her, thats when kenneth knew. He had no heart no remorse for his own wife. Not even his son.

Kenneth had a grin across his lips while watching the blood splatter and spray out her neck. He gently licked the knife with his tongue. He almost forgot about travis. Key word almost. He then set the knfie away. Travis was watching the whole time. He was frozen, and mind you. He was only six at this time.

Travis felt his eyes tear up, his body all tensed up. He felt like he wanted to scream and run. But he knew better. He knew better than to do anything of that such.   

Fast forward a year. Travis's father went to new jersy for a month. He was left with his grandma for that entire time. He didnt know what his father was doing in new jersy. But he liked being away from his father. It was actually good for him.

Fast forward a few years. Travis is thirteen. He still was in this abusive cycle. But he was just a teen. He was brought around more with kenneth the older he got. And now, he was brought with kenneth while he hung luke holms. Well honestly he watched him tie him up and murder him THEN hang him. Them he watched kenneth kill the little girl. Travis never knew her name, but he felt so discusting. He hated his life he hated this. He knew it was wrong he knew he knew but he couldnt do anything. The little girl had short purple hair. She looked sweet. Like a normal six year old girl. Travis went home and cried that night. But was quickly beaten because, boys shall not cry.

Fast forward. Travis was now seventeen. It was a new year of highschool and travis already hated everything. Even himself. Especially larry though. They were in 12th grade and travis was soon to be eighteen. Travis didnt know sal, not yet. Sal had just moved there. And travis soon would meet him..

Travis threw on his purple sweater. He always worn it ever since he lost his mother. He still looks back at it. That day, just hearing her scream as he stood there. He did nothing, he was pathetic in that moment. How shameful of him to call that woman mother but he couldnt even simply protect her?. How shameful. God must be so disappointed right?

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