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The week had gone by and travis was back. Sal started texting travis more honestly it always made travis so so happy.

Deep down he had that feeling of guilt. He shamed himself but sal helped him exept everything a little more.

Travis was now at his locker, he had got out of his last period until after lunch. He was just doing his thing until he was startled out of the blue.

"Boo!" Sal yelled into travs ear. Or atleast he tried to but couldnt reach. Sal had made sure none of his friends were around. He knew travis didnt like sals friends but never pushed it

To be fair they have shared some moments with eachother, nothing like kissing or anything but they both catch eachother just staring.

"Oh what the hell sal- you always do this-" grumpy old travis always.

"oh cmon travy dont be such an asshole we were cool yesterday-" Sal rolled his eyes.

"whatever fisher what do you want?" His face was a soft pink. <travvy??> Travis thought to himself
Travis looked down at the boy, he sure as hell wasnt looking up.

"um, i wanted to know if you wanted to chill again?" Sals head tilted.

Travis sighed, he wasnt gonna be able to give a yes or a no. "Ill have to see okay? ill text you if anything"

"Okay then, let me know and you should maybe sit with us for lunch?"

"That would make us friends then sal and i dont know if were friends." he spoke in a joking mannar.

"you know you love being friends with me, without me you were a loner travy. Dont get your panties all in a knot now" Sal had a smile on his face, but it couldnt be seen.

"maybe another time sal but i'd rather not deal with your friends.." he groaned.

"fine, well maybe see you later." Sal began to walk twords the lunchroom

Travis sighed.

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