Fight fight fight fight!

554 15 29

tw// blood, fighting, arguing.

The bus pulled up eventually, travis would have been to school by now but i guess not waiting for this bus. Travis stepped onto the bus slowly he walked up the steep steps and got into the back. He glanced at sal, not knowing he would be on the bus.

Travis felt his phone buzzing, he sighed softly knowing sal texted him back, it had to be?. He didnt have anyone elses number besides his fathers, and why would his father be texting him.

Travis didnt answer though, he was afraid of talking to sal. He knew it was all wrong. On the stop to the next house sal got up and sat next to travis. They werent friends friends, but they had talked. Travis cannot deny that. It was just weird honestly to have sal sit next to him.

He kept up the asshole act though.

"What do you want fisher." Travis groaned, he wasnt this much of an asshole last time.

Sal gave a smile under his prosthetic slightly though he knew travis wouldnt be able to see. Alot intrigued sal about the blonde boy. He had so many questions..

-at school-

The bus came to a stop as they were at school. Travis waited for sal to get off so he could aswell. Once travis made it into school he placed his bag away.

Larry didnt like sal sitting with travis on the bus. He was pretty upset.

Travis was in first period, blah blah blah boring school stuff skip to lunch.


Travis was on his way to the lunchroom when he heard sal walk up to him.

"Hey travis, do you wanna eat with me for lunch?" Sal had spoken.

Travis looked at sal, he sighed. "No im not sitting with your dumb freaky friends.." Travis spoke

"please? ill sit with you instead im sure larry wouldnt mind. You always seem alone-" sal was cut off

"Im alone because i want to be sal, plus i dont evem get why your trying to be nice and become friends with me. You do relize that ive been nothing but an asshole to you right?!" Travis spoke. He felt bad he felt so bad for it to. And he didnt wanna bother sal.

"Theres gotta be a reason you bully me travis and whatever reason it is, i belive its really reasonable. Plus i belive you deserve a second chance but if you dont wanna sit with me its fine." He wasnt gonna force travis to just sit with him.

Travis inhaled deeply. He let out a soft sigh. "I guess.. but dont get any of your gayness on me freak.." He mumbled.

"Yeah? okay!" sal was exited that he was making progress.

Travis just gave a nod not knowing how to respond. His heart pounding at the thought of eating with sal.

"ill meet you at your table then" sal spoke again before walking into the lunchroom and getting in the lunch line.

"Alright.." The blonde boy spoke.

He had soon gotten his food and sat down. He didnt like eating. Well he wasnt aloud to but eatinf the schools food was just gross. Well for travis it was unless it was bologna day.

Travis didnt know what to say to sal. But sal spoke up

"Travis also, about you crying in the stall.." sal began to speak

"there was a note i found on the bathroom floor it was crumpled up and i know its your hand writting and its pretty.. obvious about what its about-"

"I didnt write a note?!" Travis lied. If sal found out, he was fucked. He had to lie that was the only way right. Nah it probably wasnt even that note sals just crazy.

"oh well it says.." Sal began to read

"I know we dont really know eachother.." Sal continued.

Travis looked down. He wanted to puke at hearing about that letter again. No doubt that he liked sal, but he knew deep down he would never be exepted for it. He tried pushing sal away to get rid of it, bullying sal anything. It never worked and only hurt him and sal in the process of it. Travis just began to give in and started becoming friends with sal. Larry and them hate his guts though.

-after lunch (in the hall)-

Travis hadnt been feeling right since sal read thag note to him. Once travis got to his locker he was met with larry. Oh great.

"What do you want johnson." Travis spoke up

"Why the hell do you keep "hanging out" with sal?! Hes not even sitting with us anymore hes been with your stupid ass why?!" Larry yelled out.

Travis was very clearly annoyed. He didnt wanna deal with this he just wanted to get through the last few classes and not have to deal with this.

"Well i dont know?! ive been telling him to leave me be but he wont.. He wants to be friends with me so fuck off!"

Larry was quick to slam him into the locker. That was just enough for travis to punch larry in his big ass nose- That began the fight, they both ended up bloody and on the floor still fighting.

Sal walked out the bathroom to see the two and ran to get a teacher. Oh great, his bully and best friend basicallt fighting to the dead.

The teacher came in stopping the both of them and escorting them to the nurse. Sal was there also helping travis and larry out.

"Travis, im gonna need you to remove your shirt please-" The nurse spoke. Travis didnt wanna but the back of his shirt was covered in blood. Larry didnt necessarily do this. He wripped open travis's scars / cuts he had. They were from kenneth amd they were big across his back and deep. And travis knew there was more on his back than just that.

"cmon travis! just take it off, your bleeding alot and we need to check-" Sal sighed

"No!- i cant fucking take it off ill be fine just control your dog next time!" He groaned.

Sal sat there and made travis take it off to get his back checked out and once travis took it off he froze at the sight of travs back.

//1054 words

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