Sal fisher.

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Travis walked into the tall building he had been there for a year previously. This would be his second year. He walked in like usual, but he seen someone else that caught his eye. The person was standing next to dumbass larry. Travis couldnt tell why that dumbass weirdo caught his eye. But he did. Or she, no totally she thats not a dude.

Travis watched her, she had long blue hair but they were in pigtails. She had on a weird holloween mask. Thats freakish to travis. And knowing him, he wasnt gonna just think that and walk away. He was gonna let them know.

Travis walkes over to larry and smirked. "Another year, another year you get to deal with me." Travis spoke while looking at larry. honestly didnt make much sense. And after saying it he felt dumb and cringed at his own statement but pushed it off

"Another year another bruise you have on your body. You must be getting your ass beat alot." Larry spoke bluntly. He meant it as in fights with others and he lost. But travis took it another way ofcourse.

"Shut your shit johnson, weres your fucking dad? i dont see you having one." He spoke out. "And i dont get my ass beat. Stop assuming shit you dickwad." He yelled without even thinking. He wasnt thinking at all about what he was gonna say or what he did say. Only after he said it. He felt dumb for even saying it like his mother wasnt dead. Or gone is another word. But he wasnt gonna apologize, he should have. But he didnt

Larry went a bit quiet as that kinda hurt honestly. Sal spoke up. "Oh shut the hell up whatever your name is, i dont need to know it because your shit face isn't relevant to me, waste of air.."He had muttered the last bit before he spoke up again as travis went to speak. Basically he cut travis off

"The fuck is wrong with you, saying that shit like its okay. You also talk about me but yet you clearly havent seen a mirror fucking moron." Sal spoke back. He spoke loudly back, he wasnt scared. He dealt with worse than travis before.

Travis didnt think sal was a boy, but the sound of his voice changed it for travis. That was a dude. He made a even more discusted face, another homo in this school... great. Though he didnt know why, sal standing up to him made him feel weird. Like having someone do that having the balls made travis blush honestly. It wasnt alot, and it wasn't embarrassment. It was seriously hot. But when travis thought that he dug his nails deep into his own skin as a punishment for thinking that about another boy.

Travis grinned and spoke back "I see you brought another freak, didnt you johnson." He spoke outloud. He looked down at sal after saying what he was thinking.

Larry gave a glare. "Dont talk shit about my friend dude, and plus travis. That purple sweater is making you look very fucking gay. Now fuck off and go get a life and some friends instead of fucking with us for fun. Find a better way to waste your time." He groaned before walking off with sal. Travis had just ruined his mood.

He loved that he had finally ruined his mood.
Travis continued to fuck with them for half of the semester, i mean he wasnt gonna stop. Well a little bit in the beginning. But one day travis was in the bathroom. He had thrown his "love" note about a boy into the trash.

He was sobbing in the bathroom and he heard someone walk in and walk over to his stall. Travis went quiet. Or atleast he tried to go quiet. Someone finally spoke up

"Is someone in there..? are you alright?" A soft voice spoke..

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