Chapter 58 | unholy bathroom affair

Start from the beginning

I swear blood didn't reach my wrist as my knuckles fisted. "Why aren't you happy with the kiss?"

He gulped, breathing softly as the bulge at his throat bobbed.

Maybe he wished I'd put in more effort.

Even at that, he couldn't expect me to go further than merely brushing his lips with mine because god forbid, I wasn't the type of girl to take the lead.

He was the man.

"You don't want me to touch you?"

The desperation and culpability in my voice got me on the edge such that my strength broke.

I was small next to him.

He wasn't even trying to meet my eyes.

Who was he to get me worked up to the point of feeling bad about myself?

I took a breath of the scented candles lit in the bathroom. "You won't reply?"

His bed hair was scattered, falling coarsely to his face in stubborn waves.

If I'd pulled them, knocking some sense into his head, my teeth won't have clenched in annoyance.

I won't have been a big fool in his presence acting naively.

I reached my limits.

The dent on his cheeks, hinting at something fishy was the last straw.

So, I did what I a girl got to have done.

An aggressive yank by the collars of his buttoned-down pajamas until his chin met my eyes.

At eye level, my cheeks flushed with delight at the amount of control I had over him.

I swallowed silently to clear my throat. "I can redo the kiss if you wish. I will do anything that makes you happy. After all, you prepared a surprise for me and I want to be grateful." Muscles on my face twitched. "What do you desire?"

If the kiss made him mad, he should have spoken up.

Moreover, it was his job to claim whatever he wanted or initiate the type of kiss he yearned for, not me doing his job. "If you don't desire anything, then get out of here. We are done. I'm done with you. Don't expect me to ever kiss you, not even in your dreams."

I let go of him when he burst into laughter.

"Little nutshell," he started and placed a hand on the small of my back. "When you beg, there is this small voice that does something to me. It makes me feel things I've never felt before. It just... just damn, you can't understand. I wish it lasted longer. I can't help but tease you."

My hands stood defensively on my hips. "I begging you was funny? Let me tell you what's going to be funny." I pushed his hand and poked his chest. "Getting kicked in the balls will be fun if you don't get out of here."

He went into a full episode of mockery, clutching his stomach, and beating his chest for being a good actor who fooled me into thinking he was very pissed.

At least, he did fool me.

"I can't stand your breath. What's that smell?"

Smoke fumed from my ears. "Go to hell!"

I threw my fist at him and balled a hand beneath my breath to get the odor he was talking about, but nothing was bad about my breath.

I snorted. "You will pay terribly for mocking me."

He puffed his cheeks and made a face.

"I bet you can't do anything."

I buttoned him by the collar of his pajamas and stood on my tiptoes to match his height. "No one messes with me and goes free."

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