"Hold on a minute , are you in denial right now ? Hera you don't kiss a person to apologize unless you like them romantically like Nikolai and I ,we make up like that" she said

The car incident flashed before my eyes ,she just had to remind me goodness now it will remain in my head for another eternity.

"Okay I get the point no need to clarify further" I quickly say to her.

"So it's a date,I'll come and help you get ready tomorrow and don't worry I'll bring the outfits ,we'll pick the one that looks best ,oh I am so excited " she squealed .

I wish I was as excited as her but I can't help overthinking this whole situation, what am I getting myself into? If I go on that date 'it's not a date' whatever ,if I do go on that not date will I be betraying my parents and myself .

"Hello ,Hera you still there? Don't think too much about it ,everything will be alright" she says with a comforting voice

I will have to tell her my real name tomorrow, she deserves to know that at least.

"Alright no overthinking I promise" I say with a smile " I'll see you tomorrow good night"

"Make sure you get some serious beauty sleep, good night"she says and we end the call.

I do not feel like sleeping and my grandfather is still awake watching TV . I decide to go and join him .

"I hope he is not watching any cooking shows this time" I say as I enter the sitting room "And he is watching a cooking show" I mentally face palm myself. I just don't understand why he likes these cooking shows so much .

"Hey dear come sit ,the judging is about to start and this is the final round" he says looking very excited so I join him .

Once the judges announce the winner, my grandfather and I both complain.

"How could he win ? His food wasn't even done cooking" my grandfather says

"And it doesn't look presentable, I mean look at it , I wouldn't eat that my goodness" I add to his statement "That other chef ,what's his name again?" I ask him

"Roy " he answers

"Yeah him ,his food looked delicious and neat and well cooked he was supposed to win ,it's not fair " I continue complaining and my grandfather starts laughing

"I thought you did not like these cooking shows" he says

"I don't " I reply "They are unfair" I add looking away and he just chuckles .

"So did you and your boyfriend make up ?" he asks

My mind goes back to the restaurant "Yeah ,yeah we did" I answer him

"That is very good ,fighting is normal in a relationship but you always have to patch up so that your relationship remains strong" he says with a smile of sadness, he is probably thinking that he could have saved his relationship with my Grandmother.

I wish I could just ask him right now but I am afraid I will have to tell him who I am .

"I'm going to sleep now ,good night, you should sleep too because watching too much TV will hurt your old eyes " I run off laughing when he starts yelling that he is not old "Yeah right and I'm an infant" I laugh harder when I close my bedroom door .

✶⊶⊷⊶⊷❍ - ❍⊶⊷⊶⊷✶

The next morning my Grandfather knocked on my bedroom door at 7 am "Hey Hera that crazy friend of yours is here" he said.

What the... is she insane or is she vampire that does not need sleep at all, why would she come here so early my date is like 9-10 hours away ,jeez .

I roll off my bed just as Nattie enters my room.

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