Chapter 13: Two Truths and a Barrier of Lies

Start from the beginning

He looked at his guildmate's back.

The black vest and white scarf continually flew in the breeze.

Nashi's arms were visibly shaking.

The ground around her feet started to boil like magma.

Jace's eyes widened.

"Oh no," he muttered.

Nashi's body erupted into flames!

'HOT! HOT!' Blakey cried, slithering away.

Jace shielded his eyes and squinted to see Nashi in the middle of a bonfire.

Her skin visibly hardened and dried out from her shoulders to her fingertips. Smoke drizzled out of her nostrils.

A low beast growl rumbled from within.

Jace's knees shook. Sweat poured down his head.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" a demonic voice shrieked from the bonfire.

"I said Fairy Tail is the worst guild," the person repeated.

Suddenly, a rope of olive scales wrapped around Jace's waist and dragged him away.

"Blake! Let me go!" Jace cried.

He fought against the black mamba.

'Dangerous! Dangerous!'

"Yes! I know! That's why I have to stop her!"

The demonic creature stomped towards the hooded figure. Its sandals started to melt into the boiling footprints.

'She kill! She kill!'

"If I let her go she'll kill Guthrie and then more!! I have to stop her!"

'How many? How many?'

"I don't know! But I don't want to, either!"

Jace slipped out the snake's grasp and sprinted forth.

'Jace! Jace!'

His white coat was caught in the wind like a parasail. He ripped it off, dug his boots in, and continued on.

Blakey easily slithered ahead of him.

"Don't stop me!!"

'Won't, won't,' she hissed.

He watched her dashed towards the fiery monster. Its flames' heat seared his skin.

Nashi opened her mouth and took a deep breath.

"Fire Dragon's–"

"No! Nashi!!" Jace screamed.

In shock he watched the giant black mamba dive headfirst into the bonfire. She coiled around the monster's body from the legs up. Her scales screeched as they were seared with every movement. The snake wrapped herself around the monster's torso and covered its mouth. An explosion of flames burst from the mouth against Blakey's body.



The snake immediately recoiled, opened her black inky mouth, and sunk her fangs into the monster's shoulder through the newly formed scales.


The vibrations rattled in Jace's head, stunning his entire body.

His ears heavily rang like church bells.

The Poison Dragon Slayer forced his hands over his bleeding ears and collapsed to his knees.

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