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Jennie looked at Lisa, who was a woman like her, but who dressed in the clothes of men, boldly warding wine off for her; no matter how much discomfort Jennie felt, it simply turned into a wordless sigh.

Try thinking about it, for a woman who could do that much for you, a woman who should enjoy the same care and protection...

Who could bear to criticize her when she was drunk?

Jake felt that his lady should be in a hurry to return to the estate, hence he urged the horses to go slightly faster.

The carriage swayed and bumped around.

Lisa's brows knitted tightly, then she tugged on Jennie's wide sleeve as she groaned quietly, "Nini, I really want to puke."

Jennie instructed at once, "Jake, drive steadier!"

"Understood, lady."

The horses slowed down, hence the carriage compartment became steadier.

Lisa's frown eased up a bit, leaving just a shallow crease. 

Jennie rubbed between Lisa's brows twice, smoothing out the last crease too.

"Are you still dizzy? Do you want to sit upright?"

Lisa shook her head.

Jennie wasn't sure if it meant that she wasn't dizzy anymore, or if she didn't want to get up. 

She waited for a moment, then she felt that Lisa might mean the latter, or maybe it was both, because she laid very 'firmly' on her lap without any intention of sitting upright.

"Nini." Lisa suddenly muttered with her eyes still closed.

"Mm? What's the matter?"

"Rest assured, I won't fall asleep. I know. I won't cause more trouble for us, rest assured."

Jennie pressed her lips together.

She lowered her head to look at Lisa on her lap, having truly no idea what to say.  

Just what kind of person was she? Jennie couldn't help but think.

Say she's smart, but she often did foolish things.

She lacked life experience too. But say she's ignorant of worldly matters, she just had to have a perceptive heart.

The word 'us' roused more waves of heartache from Jennie.

For the first time, she felt that twenty thousand liangs of gold was too light for the contract between her and Lisa.

Even if she searched throughout the kingdom with a lantern in hand, she might not be able to find anyone who could compare with Lisa.

Lisa's kindness... was not out of ignorance. It was a choice made after understanding something thoroughly.

So what if she was once a beggar?

So what if she was once discourteous before others?

This tolerance and kindness alone was something that many well-read people were not equipped with, like Victor for example.

Today, they finally had a thorough comparison. 

Once he was brought up to Lisa for comparison, he was as far from her as the mud to the clouds.
The sound of Lisa's rather heavy breathing travelled over.

Seeing that she was truly having a hard time, Jennie hoped that they could return faster too. 

She placed both of her index and middle fingers on both of Lisa's temples, then she rubbed it gently.

Foreigner Of Time [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now