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I finally returned to the estate after a busy day of work.

Rose told me that Lisa had also left the estate not long after I left.

I was somewhat worried about her health, so I asked her, "Did he mention where he was going to?"

"The young master said that he is visiting a friend. It will be inconvenient to have servants following him, and he will have dinner outside today."

"I've got it, call for the meal then."

"Understood, lady."



Following the sound of a gong, the noisy great hall quietened down.

The customers on the first floor got up all together as the dancers on the stage backed away from both sides.

The customers on higher floors left their private rooms to stand around the open corridor.

The boss of the Inn, Miss Siri, appeared on the platform at the highest level.

She waved her red silk handkerchief as she said, "Today is the wonderful day for our Kristen to entertain a guest! The starting bid is one hundred liang; the highest bid wins!"

A store clerk on the first floor sounded the gong.

"Five hundred liangs!" Jackson roared impatiently.


I turned to look at him as my scalp went numb.

What kind of family are you from?

You shout five hundred liangs from the get go?

Isn't this treat a little too expensive?

Before I could speak, another bid travelled out from the private room at the third floor, "Six hundred liangs!"

"I bid seven hundred!"

"Eight hundred liangs!"

Jackson tilted his head back to down the wine in his cup, then he roared furiously, "One thousand liangs!"

Darkness flickered over my eyes.

That price was already way more than what I could give.

All of this had happened too quickly. 

I didn't even have the time to stop it before it went out of control.

Plenty of the customers here recognized Jackson.

After a moment of silence, a couple of customers raised the price.

Jackson outbid them without batting an eye.

After a few rounds, the bidding price surged up to two thousand liangs. 

No one else offered another bid.

Miss Siri was blooming in joy at the top floor. 

She waved her silk handkerchief for the store clerk to sound the gong, then she announced loudly, "Congratulations young master Baratheon, you've become the guest that Miss Kristen will entertain tonight. Please come upstairs."

Jackson strode towards the stairs while I followed after him with a face of suffering.

Even so, I was considering how I should explain to the brothel staff.

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