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Jennie combed up her long black hair, revealing a snow-white nape.

At this point, she bid goodbye to the hairstyle that she had kept for twenty years.

From now till the rest of her life, she would put her hair in a style that indicates her marital status to others.

Lisa stood behind the copper mirror, contemplating as she watched Jennie who was sitting prim and properly in front of the vanity.

Lisa had learned about how women would change their hairstyle after marriage in ancient times through television dramas, books and novels.

Now that she witnessed such a scene, she felt a very strange sensation.

Even if Jennie kept her shougongsha, would she still be able to find true love in this era with that hairstyle? Lisa couldn’t help but ask herself.

Once Alison was done attending to Jennie, she turned back for a look.

Lisa was standing with her arms spread out, smiling slightly as she said to Rose who helped her to tie on the accessories, “Thank you.”

Alison couldn’t help but take a few more looks at Lisa.

She couldn’t believe that this person was the same beggar who acted discourteously again and again at the birthday banquet at all.

Rose made a final check-over for Lisa's appearance, then she took two steps back to give a courtesy.

“Young master, it’s done.” She said.

“Thank you, Rose.” Lisa took quick steps to the copper mirror to check herself in it, then she smoothed over her hairline a little and checked her nose in a smug manner.

Seeing Lisa's vain behavior, the surprise that Alison just had vanished instantly.

It’s fine if he has a feminine appearance, but he’s a big man, yet he acts girly too. She criticized to herself.

Meanwhile, Jennie's gaze had been quietly following Lisa's figure the entire time.

When she saw the series of actions that Lisa did before the mirror, a hint of a smile brushed her eyes.

Ever since Jennie took over the family business, she had to interact with all kinds of people pretty much every day.

She hid her face under a light veil while she observed everyone’s expression and gestures, and she tried to figure out the thoughts of another through their subtle actions and gazes; her skill in observation was nearly perfect.

Lisa's pursuit of beauty that was revealed through her actions, and her free and easy bearing that was different from usual women; those were all things that Jennie envied greatly.

To express without restraint, an ease in living without caring what the others would think; those were also things that Jennie could never have.

Lisa was very satisfied with this outfit. She turned to look at Jennie with a grin, then she said, “Wife, are you ready?”

Jennie's heart skipped; she did not expect that Lisa could say that word so naturally.

“I’m ready too, we can go now.”

Lisa skipped her way towards Jennie, then she reached out her hand, “Let’s go then.”

Due to her guilt towards the Starks and Jennie, Lisa wanted to perform her role as best as she could.

She had entered the wrong world and messed up a woman’s future after all.

She had no idea how she could make it up for her mistakes in such a feudal era…  

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