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Lisa's vision blurred, then she felt as if she was floating in a pitch-black tunnel. Warping and flickering gateways surrounded her.

"Could this be the tunnel of time? Which is the gateway I'm supposed to go in?"

Lisa made five quick blinks, then the VCR icon appeared in her left eye.

She said excitedly, "I... seem to be in the tunnel of time. Those warping gateways over there should be a gate to a time period. I have to look for the gate to the military revolt of the year nine hundred and sixty. Because this is the first ever time travel in the world, professor had not told me how to find the correct gateway. It's all up to me now. Dear people of the future, I'm Lisa, a woman, twenty-five years old. I'll be twenty-six in a few months. Please remember this scene, and remember me too, hehe. You might have to face such a situation in the future too, so I'll record this information for later research, and so that future travelers will be able to find the correct time gate."

Lisa seemed to be in zero gravity, hence she gradually progressed with a breaststroke. However, she suddenly heard a low and deep roar behind her.

She turned the camera to the source of that sound. She was somewhat afraid, but she did not forget to narrate her recording, "Guys! Did you hear that? I seem to have heard something, like an animal's snarl... Could it be that there are other organisms in the tunnel of time? This is practically a major discovery for scientific history!"

Lisa's eyes turned wide once she said that, because she saw a wriggling shadow in the endless darkness crawling rapidly towards her.

She smelled a pungent stench when it roared furiously again, and she finally gained a clear look of the dark shadow.

It seemed to be an enormous caterpillar. It opened its huge mouth, showing countless rounds of sharp teeth rotating within its cavity... her scalp turned numb.

"Ack! What the hell is this?!"

She stopped narrating like a reserved show host and started to shout instead.

Lisa had gone through rigorous training after all; she opened her inventory right away to wield an iron club.

At that moment, the black caterpillar was already less than five meters away from her!

She did not understand the monster's nature yet, hence she did not dare to attack it rashly. She dared even less to make direct contact with the monster.

In a flash of inspiration, she took out a pack of sanitary pads from her inventory to throw it towards the monster...

Lisa squinted her eyes. She wanted to make sure if this monster had a corrosive nature or other hazardous attributes through the sanitary pads, and she intended to record this scene so that it could be researched later.

Lisa felt as if her heart had stopped at the next second, because the sanitary pads actually disintegrated instantly once it approached the monster's mouth. It became countless particles that were too small to see with the naked eye...

Why did Lisa conclude that the sanitary pads had not 'disappeared'?

It was because she had seen that monster close its mouth and start to chew.

"Oh my god! How is that a mouth, that's clearly a black hole!"

Lisa was very relieved that she had not charged at it with her club. She threw a few more packs at it again...

She had no other choice; it was the cheapest and most numerous thing in her inventory.  

Lisa adjusted her posture after that. She had intentionally thrown the packs in intervals and a slow speed earlier, so that she could 'swim' madly away while the monster was feeding.

Foreigner Of Time [JENLISA]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ